Emily Gerald, Virginia newborn & motherhood photographer | Brand session by Abby Grace Photography


If you’ve been around the AGP water cooler for a while, you’ll recognize this particularly talented human! Emily has been our family photographer since before we were officially a family- she was there for Felix’s birth, for when we met Teddy, she’s done both our boys’ newborn portraits (plus countless other sessions we’ve been lucky […]

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Emily Gerald | Newborn photographer brand session

April 19, 2024

Brand photos for Facebook ads expert Adrienne Richardson in Brentwood, TN | Abby Grace Photography


Working with repeat clients is my favorite. Firstly, because I already know their brand and how they like to be photographed, which means it takes way less time to get “warmed up” both in my pre-shoot research AND on set. But also because I love the CHALLENGE when a client comes back and says “I love […]

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Brentwood Brand Session | Adrienne Richardson

March 28, 2024

Chair Whimsy in Where Women Create Magazine | Photographs by Abby Grace


If there were EVER a candidate for “most inspiring workspace ever,” it’s Wendy Conklin of Chair Whimsy. She’s a fan favorite over here at the AG water cooler, and when she emailed me about an upcoming feature of her studio in Where Women Create Magazine, my response was well of COURSE they want to feature […]

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Where Women Create | Magazine Feature

March 14, 2024

Nashville brand session for wedding photographer Rebecca Musayev | by Abby Grace Photography


You know how sometimes, you work with someone and think “I wish I could be friends with them in real life?” That’s Becca. She’s just good people. It’s no wonder her wedding photography clients adore her- she’s endlessly kind, compassionate, and genuine to her core, in addition to producing gorgeous, storytelling heirlooms for her brides & […]

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Rebecca Musayev | Nashville, TN Brand Session

March 1, 2024

Grab the 9 Brand Photo Archetypes shot list download, so that you never run out of ideas on set and can approach every session with a strategic PLAN.

Ever feel like Elsa and freeze up during a shoot?

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