Gideon's birth story | photos by Emily Gerald Photography


I’ve been procrastinating writing this post because how do you put something as life-changing as a birth into words? Writing both Felix & Teddy’s birth/adoption stories was just as tough- I’ve always been good with words, but finding *the right* words to express the monumental experience for each of our three boys… it’s a challenge, […]

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Gideon’s birth story

July 25, 2024

Babymoon in the Outer Banks of North Carolina | Abby Grace Photography


We’ve been fortunate over the years to have had some truly amazing adventures, both before kids and after (see this blog post from our two week trip in Northern Ireland & Normandy last year with both kiddos!). Once we went “live” as a waiting family during our first adoption process, Matt and I were thinking […]

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Babymoon in the Outer Banks

May 3, 2024

Pregnant after almost a decade of infertility | Abby Grace Photography


It occurred to me this morning that I never shared about Baby Spring #3 here on the blog! My, how things have changed- the blog used to be my primary source for documenting big milestones because it’s a more permanent (and searchable) record that social media. And it isn’t that I’m necessarily prioritizing other platforms […]

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Pregnancy after infertility

April 11, 2024

Family vacation in Sainte-Mère-Église | Normandy, France | Abby Grace Photography


Normandy has been on my list for years, and it’s thanks to my Dad’s planning that we finally made it out there! My Dad is a WWII history buff, and everyone else in my family had been to Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, Pointe du Hoc, the American cemeteries, and numerous memorials to see and learn more […]

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Family Vacation | Normandy, France

June 16, 2023

Grab the 9 Brand Photo Archetypes shot list download, so that you never run out of ideas on set and can approach every session with a strategic PLAN.

Ever feel like Elsa and freeze up during a shoot?

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