Using ChatGPT to streamline your photography business | Interview with Brittany Long


I’ll admit it straight out of the gate- I’m a late adopter when it comes to technology. I *just* upgraded my iPhone 11 this past week (that’s right, folks- I milked the same phone for a solid five years), and I’m super skeptical of new tech, typically waiting for the frenzy to die down before trying it […]

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Using ChatGPT to Streamline | with Brittany Long

October 8, 2024

How to prepare for maternity leave with Yael Bendahan | The Artisan CEO Podcast


Prefer to listen? Check the podcast episode here –>  Preparing for maternity leave was a completely different experience this time around! In some ways, a little easier- instead of having literally no idea of timing (with Felix, we had 10 weeks to prepare, and with Teddy, only 28 hours!), we had a roughly-eight-month lead time […]

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Preparing for maternity leave with Yael Bendahan

September 30, 2024

The Artisan CEO Podcast with Abby Grace


It’s been one year since The Artisan CEO Podcast launched, and given that the majority of shows out there have fewer than 10 episodes? That’s a cause for celebration! Last August, we launched the podcast with a handful of episodes and plan for the first season… and a giant question mark for anything after that. […]

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Happy 1st Birthday, Artisan CEO Podcast!

August 30, 2023


“I can totally do it myself!” It was summer of 2022, and with two+ years having passed since my own brand photos were taken, it was time for an update. But as we started talking about who would shoot them, I was really struggling with who (if anyone) to hire- I really like how I […]

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When should I update my brand photos?

August 7, 2023

Grab the 9 Brand Photo Archetypes shot list download, so that you never run out of ideas on set and can approach every session with a strategic PLAN.

Ever feel like Elsa and freeze up during a shoot?

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