
Just ask my husband: I get irrationally upset with myself when I waste money. (Yet somehow, I STILL forget to return items to Amazon before the refund period runs out?) But making an investment you regret is, dare I say, inevitable, when it comes to self-employment. (Especially if you’re 22 when you start your business […]

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Top 5: Worst business investments I’ve made

July 18, 2023

Creative conversation starters for networking events | Abby Grace Photography


I loathe small talk. It’s why I tend to go 10-15 months between haircuts, because I prefer split ends over the thought of 60 minutes of “so…do you have any vacation plans for this summer?” Small talk bums me out because it doesn’t create much value. I don’t discount the fact that it’s an essential social tool… […]

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Creative conversation-starters for networking events

July 6, 2023

Linchpin, Co | Vancouver, BC brand shoot | Abby Grace Photography


I’ve had several insecurities throughout my life so far, but the biggest potential threat to my business stemmed from worrying about a flippin’ box of Lucky Charms.   Growing up, finances were always tight- my dad is in law enforcement, my mom was home caring for me any my two brothers (middle kid, right here), so […]

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The scarcity mindset: poison for artists

January 27, 2023

Refilling your tank when you're burned out | Abby Grace Photography


Psst! Prefer to listen? Check out this episode of The Artisan CEO podcast! 10 years ago, I was on the verge of creative business burnout.  Which feels ridiculous, because I was only like… three years into owning a business.  It was my Spring wedding season, and I had a several-weeks-long stretch where I had a […]

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How to beat creative business burnout

December 15, 2022

Grab the 9 Brand Photo Archetypes shot list download, so that you never run out of ideas on set and can approach every session with a strategic PLAN.

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