This month’s self-portrait is once again adoption-related! We’re officially on the list of waiting parents- sometimes called being “active” or “live”- and it’s both exciting and, if we’re being transparent… sort of anticlimactic :).
I’m so grateful to be here- this is the point we’ve been hurtling towards for the last eight months! But after months and months of go-go-go, now we wait… and I’m not quite sure what to do with myself. No more paperwork (as of today- who knows about tomorrow!), no more interviewing agencies, no further work needed on our profile book. It feels strange! And for someone like me who finds comfort in DOING, because it feels like I’m making progress, the concept of not doing is weird.
As we wait, we’re praying for a few things in particular-
1) Patience & peace. I’ve definitely grown in that department with the home study process, but I know the next few months/years of waiting will stretch me even more!
2) Diligence. That we wouldn’t simply hold our breath and wait for life to start once Baby Spring is home, but that we’d be able to balance continuing on with life & work AND resting in this season of hopeful anticipation. It’s a strange thing, having literally NO idea when that “you’ve been matched” call or email will come. I guess I should probably get to work on a nursery, shouldn’t I?
3) Most urgently, for our child’s first mama. That God would keep her safe; physically, spiritually, emotionally. That she would know she is loved, that she would feel supported by those close to her. That she wouldn’t feel abandoned or frightened, but feel peace in the midst of a season of crisis.
Let’s do this thing.
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[…] “Waiting,” to mark the fact that we were officially on the “waiting parents” list with our agency. (Full story here) […]