I found Jasmine Star‘s blog a little over a year ago and my photographic world hasn’t been the same since. She’s changed my perspective on everything from serving your clients to pricing to in-camera settings. She’s a ball of fierce energy, a woman willing to change the game, and an icon in the world of wedding photography. She’s just… awesome.

When I first head about “The Fix,” I didn’t really care what it was- all I knew was that Jasmine Star was coming to Washington DC and DAD GUMMIT, I was going. I set my alarm to be online, ready to register the minute it opened, and sure enough I got my ticket. Commence minor [MAJOR] girl freak-out!

After I was done squealing and exclaiming, my lovely friend Rebecca and I decided to drive in together. Then she mentioned she was bringing her friend Bre, and I invited Anna, so off we went, trundling into DC on a gorgeous soon-to-be-spring afternoon. We purposefully arrived in Georgetown with several hours to spare because we want to knock around taking photos of each other for a bit.

These first two images are of a) Bre getting her photo taken for a style blog (she’s a personal stylist!) and 2) my tourist side coinciding with my wedding photog side. We saw a couple outside of Georgetown Cupcake who’d just gotten married, so I asked if I could take their photo!

And then it came time for headshots and portraits! Rebekah, you’re heartbreakingly beautiful

Anna! Anna is not only a photographer friend, she’s also one of my brides! Her e-session is coming up soon and based off of these few images? It’s going to be GOOD. Hey Anna? You’re so elegant. And stunning!

This is Bre! She’s a model/stylist/aspiring photographer, and I’m really jealous of her cool blazer. And her sweet ANTM skills.

I love that image on the left!

Anna! Your eyes!!

I was a photographer shooting a photographer who was shooting a photographer who was shooting a photographer. Mind BLOWN.

We were trying to do something Abbey Road-ish. I think… Bre took all of these- thanks, girl! You all may feel free to laugh now.

Updated headshots!

Seriously! How cute is she??

Georgetown Washington DC portrait photographer

And then came the moment we’d all been waiting for… Jasmine Star herself! I tell you, I’ve never been so inspired to go out and put my stamp on the industry in my life.
Georgetown Washington DC portrait photographerGeorgetown Washington DC portrait photographer

And then this happened.

Georgetown Washington DC portrait photographer

And then THIS happened. Awww!

Georgetown Washington DC portrait photographer

Happy Wednesday!

Jasmine Star- The Fix, Washington DC

March 14, 2012

  1. You are just the cutest ever! Looks like a perfectly fun day!

  2. jae says:

    aww looks like you had so much fun! i wish i had more female photographer friends in toronto, but alas, it seems all i know are boys who are super reluctant to get in front of the camera (maybe i need more friends?). still, i’ll live vicariously through you. gorgeous photos!

  3. Love this 🙂 That pic still cracks me up! Great post girl!

  4. What’s crazy is that Anna and I were at pretty much all of the places you guys were, just slightly later. HAHA! Can you email me what you took of me and Jasmine??

  5. Mia Bjerring says:

    Looks like you had the most amazing and fun trip! I seriously love that photo of you and Jasmine! You are hilarious 🙂

  6. Lauren Jolly says:

    Awesome shots! I wish I could’ve made it to The Fix!

  7. Anna Kerns says:

    Abby! I am blown away by the portraits you captured. It’s the first time I’ve ever had professional photographer portraits (like holding my camera!) and even though we were just hanging out and shooting each other, those shots means so much to me! I’ve been on the go this week, but will be sure to post my shots soon cause you looked super cute. I had a total blast with you gals and hope we hangout again soon! I’m so excited for our e-session… oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!! You are so talented and never cease to amaze me! By the way, I love your goofball photo with J*, so adorable.

  8. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    OMG I am officially obsessed with this post. GIRL you got some awesome shots – I seriously had SO much fun that day! I am about to blog mine now!! 🙂

  9. robyn says:

    You’re making me miss Georgetown! I went to law school in D.C., and would venture out to Georgetown sometimes on the weekends just for fun. (That’s where I first “discovered” H & M!) Now, I live all the way near the beach in southeastern Virginia, so trips to NoVa/DC are few and far between.

  10. omg i am in LOVE (like probably a bit creepily obsessed) with Bre’s outfit/style/persona. also – i want to see more from that couple that just got married!!!! need to find them somehow! looked like you all had a BLAST that day 🙂

  11. I love this!! Your photo with Jasmine is HI-larious!!!

  12. […] holding my camera before, so that was more of a treat than the cupcake! You can check those out on Abby’s blog and Rebekah’s […]

  13. Darlene says:

    YOU JUST MADE MY FREAKING DAY!!!!! I randomly remembered this afternoon that this awesome photographer asked to take our picture right after we got married in Georgetown March of last year. So, being determined as usual, I diligently rummaged through 1 year of collected, found, treasured, random items to find your business card—–> which led to me seeing this photo for the first time!!! Thanks so much for making me smile!
    -Darlene <3

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