Marie first popped onto my radar about 3.5 years ago when we launched my first online course- during a webinar, I mentioned something about judgy cats, and Marie later posted an Insta about how she was watching the course with her very own judgy cat, making both mine and Matt’s week! I finally had the chance to meet Marie in person at our first France workshop in 2017, and I just fell in love with her conviction and how comfortable she is in her own skin. Seeing Marie find her artistic style over the last few years and make decisions for her business that work for HER regardless of what everyone else is doing, it’s part of what makes her such a force to be reckoned with. It’s no wonder she’s taking the Kansas City market by storm!
And then I felt even luckier when Marie attended our second France workshop in 2018! Her business had changed a lot over the course of a year, with Marie falling fully head-over-heels with film (my kinda girl!), and it was such an encouragement to see how much more confident of a business owner she was from just a year prior!
So of COURSE I was thrilled to pieces when Marie asked if I’d be available to photograph her and John when they were in town for a race last fall! We decided on one of the city’s most iconic locations and had the loveliest morning strolling the grounds and capturing some of my favorite anniversary portraits to date. I love how much these two laugh together, how fun their relationship is.
Marie & John, thank you so much for trusting me with these portraits! It’s always an honor to capture this season in a couple’s relationship, but there’s something extra special when it’s a duo who works in the industry and has gorgeous taste like you all do. It was such a delight to have you both in front of my camera, and I hope you treasure these photographs as much as I do! Hugs to both of you!
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What a beautiful couple! These are gorgoues!