You know that comfort blanket/stuffed animal you had as a child? Let’s be honest, some of you all still have it. I’m not ashamed- I still have my two favorite stuffed bunnies in my parent’s attic. But I digress.

My Rainbow flip-flops are my present-day comfort blanket. I got my first pair the summer before my senior year in high school. I’d been coveting them from afar for a few months, but I couldn’t bring myself to spend $45 on a pair of shoes that covered approximately 4% of the tops of my feet. Fortunately for me, I had a friend who worked in a surf shop in Orlando, so he was able to send me a pair without me fretting over the half a paycheck I would have spent.

My friends, never has there been such a friendship as Abby and her Rainbows. We’ve been through a lot together. Many a late-night summer wanderings, walks on the boardwalk, 10 weeks on a Summer Project mission trip, running through the rain to avoid ruining my precious leather sandals, falling in love, lazying around a honeymoon resort and more.

The pair pictured below is my 2nd pair of the hallowed footwear, and it is with great regret that I must retire them. But first, a few words;

Dear Rainbows, you’ve served me well. I wish we could frolick together through infinite summers, but alas, I respect you too much to degrade you any further by continuing to wear away at your layers. Your time has come to rest and retire, to live out the rest of your days in peace. May you enjoy the darkness of my closet to which I now send you, and may you never smell of rain-soaked leather ever again. Adieu my friend, my partner, my precious. Love, Gollum Abby.


North Carolina photographerNorth Carolina photographer

As you can see, my sandals were in no fit state to be making any more public appearances.

North Carolina photographer

So we went down to Burt’s Surf Shop and found a new pair with which to make memories!

North Carolina photographerNorth Carolina photographerNorth Carolina photographerNorth Carolina photographer


Happy Monday!

An Ode to my Rainbows

August 15, 2011

  1. I’ve always wanted some of these and I have not been able to bring myself to spend the money on them. I guess we have something else in common:-)

  2. Your inner California girl

  3. Tim Field says:

    If you were really that much in love with them you would have them resoled (or would it be re-souled?????) But if you then took money for them they would be re-sold…ahh the musings about sandles!!!!

  4. Jean Hensley says:

    Thanks for educating me on the value of Rainbows! I knew you loved them, but now I know why.

  5. I should be posting something similar, but im still holding on to my rainbows that bare a whole straight through where my toe now touches the cement! They have braved the past 6 years with me. Now that I type this…yup.. its definitely time to retire them. ha!

  6. Courtney Bay says:

    Abby! I love this. I remember that summer when you introduced me to them. I was like WHAT?! 45 bucks for some shoes? FLIP FLOPS!?! I watched you revel in the glory of your Rainbows for most of a summer before I worked up the strength to dish out the dough for them. I LOVE mine. I still wear them. During late night rounds and lock-outs on RA duty they would always be my shoes of choice… I’d leave them near the door so I could run out quickly. One time I was up studying for finals in the office wearing my Rainbows in December and the dreaded fire alarm went off. I stood at the door of my building in sweats and rainbows for about an hour with snow feet away from me… ugh! Oh the memories… enjoy your new pair! I’m digging the pink ones in the picture from the surf shop!

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