This day had been a LONG time coming. 890 days, to be exact. The military tends to be a little finicky about timing, so choosing a date with TJ’s training & deployments alongside Lexi’s school schedule proved to be tricky. But after a lot of patience (and a lot of long-distance planning), the day they’d been waiting for for several years now finally came to pass.


See, I first met these two in June 2012 at Jamie & Abbeigh’s wedding. Then I saw Lexi again at David & Heather’s wedding, and now they’re living in San Diego near Matt & Colleen! So when September 3rd finally arrived, friends & family were ready to CELEBRATE! Seriously- I’ve never seen a crowd dance like this one. Their reception was really more like one long dance party, from start til finish. Because that, Lexi’s sweet mom told me, is how they celebrate- by rocking it out til your feet hurt and your voice is sore from singing along with the band.

TJ & Lexi, knowing how long you’ve both waited for this day makes it that much more of a privilege to have been the one to capture it all. I’m so grateful for your trust, and for the fact that it was finally YOUR turn to be the ones beneath the sword arch! Congratulations to you both!


TJ & Lexi | West Palm Beach, FL wedding

September 8, 2016

  1. Adrianne says:

    Gorgeous pictures!! You captured the moments.. Thank you!!!!!

  2. Rebekah says:

    I love those blue bridesmaid dresses & the bouquet with the blue flowers. Gorgeous photos!

  3. Maritza says:

    These are so pretty, Abby! The picture of her on the chair is pretty epic, and I love the one of you with your previous clients. Just lovely!

  4. Karen Field aka Mom says:

    What a beautiful couple of shots you got with the rainbow in the background! Perfect! Lovely couple, lovely photography!

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