Hey look at that! Another vlog! I’ll admit- I didn’t count my “ums” this time like I meant to. Next time I’ll make a list of “DON’T DO THIS:”s and will make sure to try to improve, but here you go! Among other things, today’s chat is about messy houses, hotel suites and what to look for when scouting your church’s/venue’s bridal suite. Check it!

As always, feel free to leave questions, comments, and complaints about my lack of eye contact in the comments section! Also? Suggestions for a better title than “Talkative Tuesday.”

Happy Tuesday!

Vlogging Attempt #2: Getting Ready Locations

April 10, 2012

  1. Alison Mish says:

    You make it look so easy! Loved it!

  2. This is such good info!!!!! I knew none of this when we were planning and while we had a fun time getting ready our room was very boring and plain. I do treasure the memories of that day regardless but this is good info to share with people. Brides are often too overwhelmed to think of little details like this:-)

  3. ashley nasca says:

    Ah abby I loved listening to this 🙂 Such great advice!!!

  4. You looked SUPER comfy…. and cute!!!!! =)

  5. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    I love your videos!! Also, you should call it “Tips for Tuesdays” since you are sharing tips every Tuesday!! I love alliteration!

  6. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    aaaaand I love nerds rope!! 🙂

  7. love this! haha… let’s see… how about “Trust me, it’s a TUESDAY TIP!” or “Vhat? It’s a vlog!” (you have to say that one in a Russian accent, though)… or how about “A Very Tubular Tuesday Vlog” or “TIP TIME TUESDAY!” (i love alliteration) or how about “TUESDAY TIDBITS, YO” (you could take out the yo if you please). hahaha hope those silly ideas help!

  8. ooooo one more… how about “To-to-totally Tuesday Tips!” …i’m bad at this.

  9. Spring says:

    You are too stinking cute!!!! Great topic and great post lady!! Xoxo

  10. Matt Springmann says:

    Hot Topic Tuesday!

  11. I love your advice! I feel like a sponge so I am loving the tips and opinions that you share!
    How about “Gabby Tuesday” or “Tuesday’s with Gabby Abby”
    Whatever you decide to call it I will be checking it out! Thanks for ROCKING it!!!

  12. tim riddick says:

    how about “baller ideas” for the modern couple. it really is a great idea Abby about doing vlog post. you are such a baller.

  13. Sarah says:

    Yay for vlog posts, I’m finding they are alot harder than I expected! You did a great job & great info!

  14. Anna says:

    Awesome post! Also- to add to your Vlog 🙂 if the space is crammed, it also gets very hot VERY fast which means sweaty bride and bridesmaid… runny makeup, frizzy hair, etc. 🙂

  15. Caroline R says:

    loving these vlogs, girl!!

  16. Talkative Tuesdays! But seriously, great idea and good info 🙂

  17. Karen Field says:

    This Vlog was even better than the last! I loved that you explained from both a bride’s experience and a photographer’s perspective. I was sold on the whole idea of giving quite a bit of thought to where you are to get ready. Super ideas! You were successful in both the information you delivered but also in presenting yourself well. You go girl!

  18. Hahahahaha, I love the “Gabby Abby” suggestion! Gab gab gab. Hehe. Abby, I don’t think I have commented on your posts or blog yet, buuut I have been following you for a couple of months and loooove your work and your personality that shines through your work. 🙂 As for suggestion- def more eye contact, if you’re looking at notes or something I would put then right above your camera on sticky notes or paper (keep them short and sweet reminders) this may help if that is what your glancing at. I counted 40 ums, JUST KIDDING, haha I say “Um” a lot too when I know all attention is on me. I’m a photographer and art teacher, sometimes practicing what I want to say a couple times first helps me clear out some of those “ummmm”s 🙂 Wonderful Vlog though! I’ll def follow your vlogs. 🙂

  19. question: why don’t you have a youtube channel? you could totally be a youtube video superstar.

  20. Laura Gordon says:

    You are adorable! I absolutely loved this 🙂

  21. Erin Schrad says:

    You could flip that around and call it “Tuesday Talkies”, ya know… like when silent films first got speech tracks and you didn’t have to read the lines anymore and they called them “talkies”?

    Or you could call them “Key Points” if they’re all going to be tip videos. Or “Keynotes”.

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