If I’ve learned anything watching my parents’ marriage growing up, it’s that love takes on many different forms. 1 Corinthians 13:4 tells us that love is patient, kind, it doesn’t envy, boast, rejoice at wrongdoing; it’s not rude, arrogant, irritable or resentful, it doesn’t insist on its own way. “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”

Love never ends. Never ever. Not when things are difficult, not when the person you love is making it really hard to FEEL lovely toward them, not when they hurt your feelings. Love never ends. Never.

But sometimes, things ARE difficult- sometimes you’ll find yourself going through an especially rough patch, or feel like you’re stranded out at sea with no idea how you got there. Sometimes love hurts. And in those moments of sadness or loneliness or hurt, I believe that photographs have the unique power to heal.

I believe that when you find yourself angry with or upset by your husband or wife, that taking a moment to pull out your favorite image from your wedding day can remind you WHY you fell in love in the first place, can help you remember how you felt the day your pledged your lives to one another, and can remind you that even though things may be difficult at the moment, that your love is worth it. That your marriage deserves to be championed and fought for.

I believe that a photograph can bring comfort during long deployments, when the absence of your other half hurts so badly you think it might literally break you in two.

I believe that, in the unimaginable event of losing a loved one, a photograph can bring about a smile, a warm memory, and the knowledge that the ones we love never truly leave us.

I believe that photographs can help to heal a broken heart, can show a person their own beauty in an irrefutable and irreplaceable way.

I believe that God uses photographs to redeem and renew us, to remind us of our promises we made to love and cherish, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, from that first day of marriage, for as long as we both shall live.

I believe that photographs can heal, redeem, and affirm us all. THIS is why I do what I do.

This photograph is my favorite in the entire world. It’s of my parents on their wedding day. Things in my family have been really hard at times over the years and watching my parents’ relationship endure everything that it has has taught me that if they can make it through the not-so-pretty/downright painful periods, anything is possible.

Happy Wednesday, friends.

Pictures that heal

April 24, 2013

  1. Jill Powers says:

    This is so beautiful! Thanks Abby!!

  2. Elizabeth V says:

    Oh Abby, I couldn’t agree more. Beautiful.

  3. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    This is beautifully written, Abby, and SO true! There is so much power behind a photograph and many times we let so many little things fog our view of that. Thank you for sharing this!

  4. Not the first time I cried reading your blog…

  5. Alison says:

    This is so perfectly written and so true!

  6. Dad says:

    I have that picture on my phone so that I see it every time I use it and it helps remind me to be the man I promised to be nearly 33 years ago.

  7. Dani says:

    Beautiful post and I couldn’t agree more. 🙂

  8. Megan Guernsey says:

    Beautiful post!

  9. Sarah Adams says:

    Abby- This is so beautiful. I really feel like printing this out and framing it in my office. Such an amazing reminder.

  10. Sarah B. says:

    Love this, thanks, Abby!!

    I can 100% relate to and agree that our engagement pictures brought joy and peace to me while Greg has been deployed as well as stationed overseas. I am SO appreciative of the pictures you have already given us and the role they have played in my heart. Thanks! I am so excited to add even more soon!

  11. Morgan T. says:

    “When the absence of your other half hurts so badly you think it might literally break you in two.”… You took the words right from my heart. I’m so thankful you were able to help me before our deployment…

  12. ummm your dad’s comment about made me CRY! :]

  13. This is so powerful, Abby, and beautifully written. You give people a true gift when you take their photograph. It’s an amazing, amazing thing.

  14. Oh Abby! You hit the nail on the head! Right before my husband left for his deployment in 2010, we had our pictures taken by Jill! I looked at those pictures EVERYDAY he was gone! I could just hear us laughing every time I looked them! Pictures are snapshots of moments in your life you want to remember and when times are rough those pictures remind you why you fell in love in the first place! What a great post! And I LOVE the comment your Dad left, what a great man!

  15. ashley link says:

    wow! this is so heartfelt and i can totally identify with this, especially after today! you are wonderful, abby! <3

  16. Eryn Kesler says:

    Love this! I need this reminder today, about what love is NOT 🙂 It seems I need a heart change today with my kiddos. Thanks for the sweet gentle reminder. xoxo

  17. Karen Fied says:

    We didn’t have a fabulous photographer for our wedding, nearly 33 years ago. These 2 guys were just getting their business off of the ground. We had to choose 20 photos that we wanted and they were alright. But, my aunt and uncle were semi-pro photos themselves so they caught much more, like Abby would. The picture above was caught by them after taking a photo of the two of us with our hands over the marriage certificate, wearing our brand new rings. I just fell back into Tim’s, aka Dad’s arms from fatigue from the end of the reception before leaving for our honeymoon. I have always treasured that shot above all others of that day. Thank you, Abby, for your words about us. The pictures really do help when things hit a rough patch. Too bad we didn’t have an Abby Grace around to put her magical touches on things! I would totally order a wrap-around of this shot!

  18. this is a beautiful post, abby. <3

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