Well. This Monday began…. differently. There’s nothing like coming downstairs to fix your dog’s breakfast, only to walk into the living room to see her peeing on the rug. WHAT?! I thought we got over this when she was 4 months old?? And then, upon cleaning up the spot of shame, I discovered that this must have been a secret spot for at least the past couple of days. That’s the only explanation for needing half a roll of paper towels to clean it up. Thank goodness for hardwood floors underneath- we can always just throw the rug away.

And now that I’ve thoroughly disgusted you all by talking about my dog’s incontinence, happy Monday! I hope everyone’s weekend was amazing! We headed down to Roanoke on Friday afternoon to spend time with my mom’s family for my Granny’s 75th birthday, and even though the power was out due to Thursday’s storm, we had a great time. I’ll tell you one thing- I thought I knew what it meant to be surrounded by total darkness, but after spending a night in my Granny  & Pawpaw’s house on top of a mountain during a blackout? THAT, my friends, is what we call “pitch black.” I really and truly could not see my hand in front of my face. Both awesome and a bit disorienting!

As always, things that have happened/lessons learned over the past week:

  • During a late-night run to Harris Teeter last week, I discovered my new favorite junk food: LIME Wheat Thins!! They’re like a mix of Wheat Thins and Tostitos Hint of Lime chips. HOLY COW. They’re amazing! I went through an entire box in less than 24 hours. Whoops.
  • When you’re in the middle of a power outage on top of a mountain, what better way to pass the evening than by experimenting with light painting? Whilst doing so, I discovered my backwards cursive writing could use some work.
  • On Saturday evening we headed to The Home Place in southwest Virginia for my Granny’s birthday dinner- they do a family-style service, bringing plates of dishes for your table to share. I’ve never had so much southern food on one table- friend chicken, coleslaw, biscuits and apple butter, and peach cobbler to finish it all off. Oh, and sweet tea. Definitely sweet tea. #MURRICA!

And since I didn’t shoot a wedding this weekend, here’s a look at Matt and I’s light painting escapade! Like I said, I know my backwards cursive could use a bit of work. I’ll probably be hitting up those questionably-legal pop-up fireworks stands right after July 4th for hoards of discounted  sparklers so that I can practice.

Light Painting

Happy, happy Monday!

Monday Mash-Up

June 17, 2013

  1. Jean says:

    I love your experiment with light painting! Super cool! Your Granny had a wonderful weekend surrounded by her extraordinary family! Even the loss of power could not did not disturb the celebration! Thank you so much.

  2. The Homeplace is SO good!!! Yummy! Sounds like you had an adventure of a weekend. I think your light painting is pretty:-)

  3. ashley link says:

    yummm!!! the home place is SOOOO GOOD!!! which part of roanoke does your granny live? my boyfriend is from the bedford (vinton) area. glad you had a fun time!!!

  4. We went to the Homeplace for Father’s Day yesterday- but all that food is kind of a normal meal for our family 😛 Our waitress told her we were her favorite family of the day, which made me wonder how rude other people were being since we weren’t being over-the-top kind, just saying “thank you” and not being demanding.

  5. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    Did you use an iPhone to do the light painting? I love it!

    Also, a tip is that you can write in cursive facing you, and then flip the image in LR 🙂 That’s what I do because I cannot write backwards for the LIFE of me!!

  6. Ashlyn says:

    Feel you on the dog problem!! I had a cat once a long time ago that had that issue, and the last straw was when she decided the couch was a nice place. My mom decided that was it. 🙂

  7. Sarah Adams says:

    I freakin’ LOVE light painting. And what are you talking about? You write cursive better backwards than I do forwards..and you aren’t even using a pen!

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