So… I’m not the BEST scheduler. For example, I scheduled myself to be out of town four consecutive weeks in a row, followed by nine days in Europe (I left yesterday!). And what I also didn’t take into consideration was the fact that Matt’s first week working at home with me… was due to start the day after I left home. For nine days in Europe. Like “thanks for quitting your day job, honey! BRB- just gonna go eat some crepes in Paris, have fun staying at home with the pups. Kthxbye!”

Aix-en-Provence film photographer | Abby Grace

Having Matt leave his corporate job was a huge leap of faith, but we did it because we desire to run a business that enables a life we love! I’d rather make less money and be able to do life together, than have tons of savings but no time in which to spend those funds. We opted for a life less ordinary, and I love it.

So last Wednesday when we were sitting on the guest bed at my Granny’s house, Matt said “why don’t I come with you?” What?! No, that’s crazy! We’d have to change my airBnB reservation, there’s no way we’d find a flight we could afford…except we DID find a flight. And we could easily modify my airBnB reservation. So in a matter of a few minutes, we decided to book Matt a ticket to Paris…five days before departure.

Aix-en-Provence film photographer | Abby Grace

So now, here we are in Paris together! Matt’s returning home early on the day I leave for London, but a few days in Paris together is SO much better than nine days apart! The first time I ever set foot in the city of lights, it was with him, and that’s how I fell in love with Paris- wandering the streets hand in hand with my favorite person. I’m so excited to do that again this week!

That was a little longer than our typical MMU, but you’ll have to forgive me- I get a bit loquacious when it comes to talking about my husband, Paris, and a life lived for more than just work! As always, lessons learned/events that transpired over the past week:

  • Matt left his day job! I know I mentioned that a million times, but I feel like it’s worthy of including on the “events that transpired” bit, yeah?
  • My grandparents are the coolest. We spent a few days with them last week and I’m just constantly hit with how fortunate I am to have these two people as my Granny & Pawpaw. If you haven’t read their story before, go here– it’s worth it, I promise.
  • Fun fact for those of you who weren’t aware- if you miss a leg of a multi-flight trip, they cancel all the remaining flights on your itinerary. Good thing my friend Kris made me aware of that BEFORE I intentionally missed my connection to Dublin (because I had a layover in Paris, and was thinking I’d opt out of the second leg because, well, I was where I wanted to be).
  • But then the really fun part was arriving in Paris, boarding a connection to Dublin, then RACING through Dublin’s airport to make it back onto the exact same aircraft for a return trip to Paris. Oooh AirFrance! You are a finicky mistress!
  • #firstworldproblems though, amiright? I learned my lesson! Next time, just book a direct flight to Paris/wherever your final destination is. Save yourself the hassle.

Coming tomorrow: an embarrassing fangirl story from this weekend [hint: I was the embarrassing fangirl]. But for now, a pretty little frame from that time I accidentally stumbled across a flower market in Aix-en-Provence last spring. Crossing my fingers I find something similar here in Paris or London this week!

Aix-en-Provence film photographer | Abby Grace



Monday Mash-Up

April 4, 2016

  1. Dad says:

    You are so fortunate to be able to see the world so early. It wasn’t until my mid 40s that I could jaunt on off to Europe with your mom! We will be on the same continent soon, too bad you couldn’t come to Rome too! S’amuser mes enfants !

  2. Jean says:

    Your Granny and Pawpaw love having you and Matt come visit. Have a wonderful time while you are away! Love you!????

  3. Richelle says:

    Pleas eat a million crepes for me and a million beautiful photos. Have a wonderful time 🙂

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