You KNOW an engagement was phenomenal when you get a text from your bride afterwards that says “Oh, and Bryan wanted to make sure you know that if you were not already coming to the wedding to take pictures that we would want to invite you because you are pretty freakin awesome!”

London, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby Grace

These two. Oh, these two!! Bryan & Rachel are two of the warmest, most inviting people you’ll ever meet. Classic and easygoing, elegant but never stuffy, chic without even trying. I love them SO much!! The early morning session itself was incredible, even despite the fact that my driver took me to the wrong part of town (but really, how do you mistake “BIG BEN” for anything but the Westminster Bridge area??). And as if that weren’t enough, we met up again for dinner for the best Indian meal I’ve ever had, and then off to a seriously cool speakeasy for drinks. This pair is not only incredible together as a soon-to-be-married couple, but they’re also kind and inviting and considerate. It’s important to them that the people around them are comfortable and taken care of.

Bryan & Rachel, I can’t thank you two enough for being exactly as you are! I cannot imagine a better way to have spent the morning and evening than with you both, weird Irish jigs and all. I can’t wait to see you guys in just a few short weeks!!

*There are way more black & whites than I ever blog, but that’s because these two are classic to a T, and…because it’s London. No more explanation needed.*

London, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby Grace

Oh, I should mention: KATE MIDDLETON STOOD HERE on her wedding day. That’s all, pardon the interruption. (Also, how gorgeous is Rachel’s fascinator?! Thank you, Harrods!)

London, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby GraceLondon, England Westminster bridge engagement photos | Abby Grace

^Fun story about this phone booth- everyone in my family has taken a photo in this exact same booth. We call it the “Field Family Phone Booth!” so naturally, it was the one we selected for Bryan & Rachel’s last few photos. Perfection!

Bryan & Rachel | London engagement photos at Westminster Bridge

April 26, 2016

  1. Urška Majer says:

    Abby, these are incredible!

  2. David Abel says:

    Oh I love these, your work is amazing!

  3. Margaret Piacentini says:

    Abby, you have once again outdone yourself. Thank you for the lovely “blog” and comments about my two babies!! I cannot wait to be with you in June as you continue to work your magic!!

  4. Rebekah says:

    These are amazing!! And I love that you went out for Indian food that night. Indian food is the best thing EVER!

  5. Alicia Lacey says:

    Oh!!! I’ve been anxiously awaiting this session since I saw the peek and it definitely did not disappoint (no surprise!) — Europe looks good on you 😉

  6. Emilia Jane says:

    These are literally perfect.

  7. […] so grateful for the honor of calling you friends- I still smile when thinking back on your London engagement session! I hope you’re ENJOYING your Tahitian honeymoon! Love to you […]

  8. […] naturally, when I was London this past spring for Bryan & Rachel’s engagement session, I couldn’t stop myself from photographing some of the more iconic sights. London is one […]

  9. […] out Bryan & Rachel’s London engagement at Westminster […]

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