It’s been a solid six weeks since I left my corporate job and so far? I am LOVING working from home! Going to bed every night is so much more of a joy because I know that the next day I get to wake up and do something I treasure. I’m still struggling to find a schedule and a groove that really work for me, but here’s what I’ve learned so far:

1) I must get up at the same time every day. Keeping this rigidity helps my body understand that it’s time to get up, wake-up, and go to work.

2) I must get DRESSED every day. I know some people are able to run their business in their pajamas, and trust that I’m jealous about it. But for me, if I don’t change into at least a pair of jeans, my mind won’t function in a BUSINESS capacity. Any time I try to work in pajamas I end up wasting HOURS on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

3) I must have a workspace designated to my business. When Matt and I started looking for a new apartment last year my main stipulation was that it had to have a place that I could use as an office, whether that was a second bedroom, a den, etc. Our first apartment had a single bedroom and we didn’t have room for a desk, so I ended up taking over our pub table (then functioning as our only place to sit and enjoy a meal) as my desk. It was miserable- trying to work on edits in the evening with my back to Matt while he watched football was so maddening! I was easily distracted, even more easily frustrated, and sitting in a wooden chair for several hours at a time wasn’t doing any favors for my back. So when we found a 2 BR a little further out that was right within our budget, we snatched it up. It’s perfect- I have an office (with a door!) that I can call my own. When I’m in here, I know it’s time to work. I stay in my office from 8 am to 5-6 pm, occasionally taking a few hours in the middle of the day to run errands, do a craft, etc. I don’t even attempt to work from the couch on my laptop because I know I won’t get anything done.

4) I must give myself grace! This has been the hardest one for me so far. My schedule prior to quitting my job in PR was something like this on a M-F basis: wake up at 6:30 am, get to work by 8:00 am, get home by 5:30, start editing at 6:00, hopefully crawl into bed by 11, Lather, rinse, repeat. Shoot shoot shoot on weekends, then start over again on Monday. Working a 60-80 hour week just became second nature. So now that I only have ONE job, I’m having to re-learn that it’s OKAY to stop working at 5:30 or 6:00. It’s still really hard for me to feel like I’m not wasting time if Matt and I want to relax with a glass of wine and an episode of LOST at night, but it’s coming along. 🙂

5) I must clean my desk off every night [and ORGANIZE everything I clear away]. One of my favorite professors at Radford, Dr. French, had us read a book called “They Don’t Teach Corporate In College.” Somewhere in the book it talked about keeping a clean workspace so that whenever your boss walks by, you don’t look like you’re losing your marbles. When I was still working in PR, I made sure that every evening when I closed my office door, my desk was organized. Even though I doubt my boss ever went into my office once I was gone, I never had to worry about someone walking in and finding my workspace covered in messiness. Once I started working from home, I carried this same mantra with me. It helps me feel SO much better about entering my office the next morning if I already have a clean workspace. I’ve noticed if I leave my desk is shambles, I’m a lot more reluctant to start working the next morning.

It’s still a work in progress, this “learning discipline” thing, but it feels good to be working my way toward finding a schedule that really helps me stay on track. Did you have any bad practices that were especially hard to break yourself of? Fess up!Happy Thursday!

Lessons Learned: The first few weeks of working at home

July 12, 2012

  1. Jean Hensley says:

    Glad you are enjoying working in your office. I need to take your advice to my sewing room. Love the picture of the rings.

  2. Anna K. says:

    I totally get needing a designated space for an office! Since Daniel and I aren’t married yet I am living with roommates and I work from my bedroom. I’m in here what feels like 24/7 and it drives me bonkers!

  3. I noticed my productivity go way up when I started sitting at my desk every morning…of course I’m here commenting on your blog now so it’s not like I’m working too hard right now. HAHA. But I also really struggle with not feeling guilty when I’m not doing any work. I have to remind myself that one of the reasons I left my job was so I could have a life again!

  4. i finally have an office too!! yay!!! good to know you’re getting things straight 🙂

  5. Sarah says:

    Look at you go, girl! I am so excited that you get to do what you love!! I’ve been praying for many blessings on opportunities for you and your husband!

  6. Annamarie says:

    Such good advice!! I need to go back and read your old advice about working and being a photographer at the same time though..haha..I’m so happy to see you’re loving being full time!!

  7. Suzanne says:

    I break just about every one of your rules, lol. I live in my pajamas during the day until about a half an hour before I know people are going to be at the studio. I just can’t break the habit, but I do notice I’m more effective at work if I’m up early for a client and then spend the rest of the day already dressed. I do force myself to work from my office though and not the laptop on the couch. The kids crawling all over me are too distracting. I’m the opposite though when it comes to my desktop. I have to lay everything out for myself the night before, so when I come in the next morning, I know what I need to work on right away. Seems backwards but works for me! Good luck with finding your groove!

  8. Elizabeth says:

    I totally agree with the “go to bed with a clean work space” principle… I do my best to clean up the kitchen each night, because if I don’t I am WAY less liking to do the cooking and food prep work that I need to the next day, and I am even more reluctant to clean things up!!

  9. Christine says:

    Thanks for sharing that book. It looks like something I could use with clients! And happy to hear you are finding your grove. It is wonderful that you go to bed excited about what the next day has in store for you!!

  10. Yup, I can relate to basically all of these! And you’re right, a tidy desk = a tidy mind. I just figured that one out about two months ago. I used to have an ever-growing pile on my desk and it would always make me cringe when I looked at it. Good for you for figuring out how best to make your days work well for you!

  11. James Lee says:

    You have the best coffee coaster…ever…period.

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