I’m a communication nut- I love email, phone, Twitter, Facebook, texting, and smoke signals. I firmly believe that the largest contributing factor to my business’s growth over the past year is due to the different facts of communication I employ. That being said, this is what works for ME. Totally cool if you do things differently :).

Communication is something I’ve found a lot of artists struggle with. Actually let me rephrase- TIMELY communication is something we struggle with. We’re great at chatting with people, expressing visions and working business meetings. But when it comes to the logistics of everything, we let things fall off our radar. E-mails slip through the cracks, phone calls go unreturned, and it’s only natural that our clients get frustrated. After all, they’re excited to be working with us! When we fail to respond it feels like we’re holding something hostage that they desperately want.

Virginia equine photographer

My personal policy is that no email should go for more than 24 hours without a response. There have been times where I’ve missed the mark, but when it comes to answering client inquiry emails I’m 99% of the time dead on. This all started when I made my first email address for my photography, and I checked it OB.SESS.IVE.LY, dying for someone to email me with an inquiry. So I’d refresh and resfresh the page, responding with lighting speed whenever I did get an email. It’s become a sort of habit now- I check my email no less than 30 times a day. I know that sounds ridiculous, but when you spend as much time in front of a computer as I do (editing and such) it’s only natural to keep refreshing your inbox, so whenever I get a new message I immediately reply.

When it comes to inquiry emails, think of it like this: a bride’s just finished ogling your blog, gets excited and emails your for your pricing and availability. You take six days to get back to her? She’s moved on. She’s found another photographer who also made her excited, who answered her email within a few hours, and they’ve already met for coffee and signed a contract. You missed out of what could have been a great opportunity because of timing.

Virginia equine photographer

All that isn’t to say you need to email her back within 3.6 minutes, but keep in mind that clients are usually excited and want to get moving on whatever they’re emailing you about. Drag your feet and they’ll find someone else who can do it faster, I promise. I know because I do the same thing- I’ll get excited about working on a new project so I’ll email a particular vendor, but if I don’t hear back within a day I start looking for others.

Perfect case and point- a month and a half ago, I started emailing around to a few graphic designers for price quotes and ideas about a new website (I’m switching to ShowIt!). I was excited!! A new website, an overhaul of my brand, that’s a big deal! I wanted to get started as soon as possible. So after research each designer’s work, I sent an introductory email , describing what I wanted, expressing how excited I was about each designer’s different talent and artistic vision.

Of the four-five designers I emailed, I received two responses within 5-6 hours- Rachael of Earl and Layne blew me away with how attentive she was. She always responded to my questions, often within an hour or two.

Virginia engagement photographer

The other 2-3 designers? A couple never emailed me back. One of them took three weeks to get back to me. By then, I’d already signed a contract, given my deposit and filled out my client questionnaire with Earl and Layne. If I’d heard back sooner, it’s possible we could have worked together, but because I never received a response from them I assumed they weren’t interested in my business- simple as that.

Don’t sweat it if you’re not as email-obsessed as I am- you can LEARN to be a great communicator! It just takes a little bit of discipline. If you struggle with communicating in a timely manner, think of it this way: responding quickly to emails GROWS your business. Because we live in a world that’s networked 24/7, people are naturally going to expect things to come easier and more quickly. An email is usually the first time you interact with a prospective client- by being attentive to your inbox, you’re showing your clients that you care about their questions, their ideas and their business.

If it’s really difficult for you to be disciplined about emails, set aside a certain amount of time per day to devote solely to your inbox. Don’t let inquiry emails go unanswered, and if you have questions that can wait a couple of days, put them into a folder labeled “Questions To Be Answered.” I know that a massive list of emails waiting to be returned is daunting, so by whittling away at it each day you’ll bring it down to a manageable size.

Virginia engagement photographer

I realize this entire post of kind of vague, so if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section and I’ll do my best to answer them!

Happy Tuesday!

Lessons Learned: Communication

March 20, 2012

  1. Oh I agree!!!! I get so excited about emailing you cause I know how lightening fast you are at responding. I hate it when you email someone and it takes them DAYS to get back to you. It really shouldn’t take you but a minute to respond to most of my emails. My job is very time sensitive so that may be why this is such a pet peeve of mine. 🙂

  2. I’m an e-mail junkie too. It’s kind of hard not to be when you sit in front of a computer almost all day!

  3. Stephen says:

    You’re my blogging idol! Great post, as always!

  4. Molly Schulz says:

    This is so true! I can’t count how many vendors I have contacted and never gotten a response from. You would think being in this business, people/vendors would realize that brides can drop a good amount of cash. I even told one of these vendors my budget (which I thought was sizable) and they just lost that amount by not getting back to me! Thanks Abby for always having cat-like reflexes on the emails!

  5. Clarisse says:

    YES, YES, YES!!!!!!! So true Abby 🙂 You are absolutely fantastic about this, that I can’t help but compare all of our other vendors to the communication standard I’ve come to expect from working with you. As I type this I am waiting to hear back from 3 potential vendors so that I can make a decision…. frustrating!

  6. There is nothing like the accomplishment of cleaning out 100+ emails in a couple of hours– for my day job, at least! I think I’m pretty good about it with my business too, though I don’t respond to new emails after 10pm, simply because I like to keep some semblance of a normal schedule. That being said, if it’s a client I’m already working with, they already know I’m a night owl and can expect a response at 3am 😉

  7. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    GREAT post, Abby!! I struggle with this a lot – I get overwhelmed by my inbox and so instead of maintaining it, I let it pile up and then I have to set aside HALF A DAY to catch up. I feel so ashamed when I see that it took me a week to email someone back. You’re right – it really sets the tone and the expectation. Thanks for the tips and the challenge to be a better communicator!

  8. Melissa says:

    Great post Abby! I think that timely communication is the key. I have often got sessions purely by being quick at responding. I have my e-mail linked to everything and am never without my phone. 🙂

  9. McCall Doyle says:

    I’m also an email junkie…clients are often amazed at how quickly I respond. One of my fast tricks-I have draft emails with a lot of important info about pricing and other things, and can quickly tailor them to the client and get them out when they are just seeking “stock” info immediately. It saves time and helps me tremendously. 🙂 Thanks for the post, Abby! 🙂

  10. Sarah says:

    I love this post- because communication IS key! I read that you were a communication/PR major in college- So was I! I think it has a lot to do of my love for communication and focus on it 🙂 Clients want it! Side note- I LOVE your “cuddle up” picture! From Glen Echo-right? Thats one of my favorite places!!

  11. Anna says:

    Love it Abby! Thanks for sharing!

  12. jae says:

    haha now i want to just email you because i know you’ll read it within minutes! but also, i won’t do that because i’m supposed to be working (corporate job, y’know…). but i love this work ethic. something i hope i carry with me too 😀

  13. Gaby says:

    I 100% agree with this post. Communication is important only if you are prompt and attentive about it. I work in the production office for a major theatre in Cambridge, MA, so I constantly get emails from people I’ve never interacted with before. I always respond as soon as I can, even if it’s just a simple one or two sentence thing like “hey, got your email, looking into your request, will be in touch soon”.

  14. Terra Dawn says:

    I am the first to admit that communicating in a timely manner is NOT my forte.

    Since I’ve noticed the same issue with a LOT of people in our industry, it makes me wonder if it’s not a product of too much social media with no actual personal contact.

    I think the next thing that should invented is an ESP e-mail system. Think it…send it. 😀 We can call it…ESPM!!! *snort*

  15. Dad says:

    I am so proud of you and the work you are doing. Keep shining girlie wops!

  16. Abbey says:

    OMG!!!!! I can’t believe you wrote this post. I had the exact same experience with Earl & Layne. I’ll never forget – I emailed them that morning at 9am and within the hour received a response from Rachel and within two hours had a skype session with her. Even though I planned on speaking to other designers, I knew at the end of that conversation I was going to use them. I am BIG on communication and never want to leave my clients hanging on for an answer. Great post!!!! I really do hope I get to meet you soon!

  17. This post could have been written for me! I’m terrible at replying to emails and end up with a full inbox that i’m terrified to open.

    I finally caught up again today (for about the 100th time) and I am determined to make sure I stay on top of it this time!!

  18. Erin Schrad says:

    Great post! I struggle with timely responses at work because I am just flooded with email (“Communications Manager”, so it comes with the territory… I have THREE email accts at work PLUS social media!!!). But you’re exactly right… The way things move today, it’s definitely the early bird – not necessarily the “best” or even “cheapest” bird – that gets the worm!

  19. Erin Leppo says:

    Great post and point! I needed someone to tell me to e-mail clients back faster…so right!

  20. Agree 100%!!!! I was actually just talking about this the other day!!!!! Small businesses RELY on great communication — without it, you have nothing!!! Great post!

  21. Rici says:

    Hey Abby! Thank you for sharing and encouraging! I´ve following you since some months now and I see the huge steps you are growing in! Amazing! I am sure it is also due to the fact that you mastered your communication and blogging strategy! WOW Congrats! YOu are doing great! Greetings from Tuscnay!

  22. Sarah! says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more on this topic! It’s SO important! time is money! 🙂

  23. Kathy says:

    So right! We try to be attentive as we can and have had it happen once or twice that after 2 days, someone has lost complete interest. It’s really beneficial to have the time in front of the computer or a smart phone to constantly be on top of your emails! Great post! 🙂

  24. Annetta says:

    Thanks for the great post Abby. I like to answer my emails fast too. I cringe when I get home from work and find a whole wack of emails that need to be answered. Better to do it as they come in. My last booking I like to think I got because of my prompt reply.

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