Sometimes I think back to how broken I was my first couple years of college and wonder how I got there. Despite having an awesome family, a great church, and a mom who always made sure I knew she valued me, I continued to search for satisfaction in other places. I tried to establish my worth in men, various leadership roles, and schoolwork. It never worked- I always felt broken and empty afterwards. Nothing filled that void that was left after every break-up, every fight with my parents, and especially when I found out my best friend was just the opposite.

The only thing that ever made a difference was Christ. I spent two years in college wasting time with nights spent drinking, building false relationships with people who didn’t care about me, and building the foundation of my house on sand. It was all washed away when the storm came, just like scripture told me it would be.

It wasn’t until I started walking daily with Jesus that I really started to value myself. I realized that it was better to be single and doing the right thing than to have the company of a guy that didn’t build me up. I learned that nights of partying were never gratifying, and that I’d choose a night with my girlfriends watching Harry Potter and eating cookie dough every time. I learned that there is NOTHING more satisfying than physically feeling the comfort that one can only experience through a personal relationship with Christ.

No matter what situation you find yourself in, or what religion you do or don’t practice, you should know that you DO have intrinsic value that far exceeds your estimations.

You were uniquely made. Never forget that.





And because every post is better with a photo, here’s an image of a person I find to be incredibly beautiful, my mother.



I’m no beauty queen, I’m just beautiful me.

May 2, 2011

  1. Karen Field says:

    Wow, that was terrific to read. I am honored.

  2. rebekah j. says:

    this is beautiful.

  3. Kathy Anderson says:

    Lovely words and beautiful pictures. Nice job.

  4. Abby, I agree with every word EXCEPT your title. You ARE a beauty queen. You radiate joy from within and boy, does that make you royalty!

    Well said sweetie. I can only pray that Lindy will be as thankful for me some day!

  5. I love this Abby! Thanks for sharing this truth!

  6. Elizabeth Victory says:

    Beautiful post, girl. Thanks for sharing your heart, because my heart needed to hear that this morning 🙂


  7. This picture is heartwarming. What a wonderful post. made. my. Day! PS Laughed my head off about you knowing the Cash NOW commercial : ) Funny stuff!

  8. Eric Griffin says:

    That was awesome. As a police officer at Radford University I see young adults come and go all the time. As soon as we graduate a class of 22 year olds, they send us another batch of 18 year olds. During the short time that I spend with students, some I remember and some I don’t. They way in which you live your life, the values that you have, the strong family bond, and the service you provided Radford University make you a student I will always remember. Thanks for being a great Quest Assistant, RA, homecoming queen, and random source of entertainment at basketball games. Congrats on the wedding and enjoy being an AWESOME RU Alum and keep up the great work taking photographs.

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