Well, Matt, it’s your 29th birthday. How on earth did that happen? I feel like it was just last year we were at the Auld Shebeen in Fairfax, celebrating your 21st birthday. Remember? The pub owner came to give birthday wishes, and offered you a drink, and you said “no thanks?” And the very first beer you ever had, on your 21st birthday, you barely touched it. You figured out that day that you don’t actually like alcohol, and I remember thinking how very one-of-a-kind you are.

You’re still one-of-a-kind.

You’re quiet at first, but hilarious to those of us who have the privilege of knowing, truly knowing you.

You have the best capacity for random trivia of anyone I’ve ever known.

I’ve never met anyone who knows as much about movies as you do. Especially Marvel movies. EsPECIALLY considering you’ve never read any of the comics.

You’re an amazing provider, and an increasingly adventurous presence in the kitchen.

You dream bigger than I ever seem to be able to, because you believe in me so much more than I can ever manage to believe in myself.

You’re the second-most knowledgable Harry Potter fan I know. (Me being the first, obviously)

You’re amazingly good at growing tomatoes, despite the fact that you can’t stand them.

You have inhuman self-control when it comes to keeping gluten-free. I still can’t believe we’ve been to France twice since you found out you’re gluten intolerant and you’ve managed to avoid the stuff completely both times. I promise, we WILL find a gluten-free pain au chocolat one of these days.

You’re a total softie with Lily & Sirius, and it makes me SO happy! Especially when I remember how much they both irritated you when we first rescued each pup.

Your capacity for serving never ceases to humble me, and remind me how lucky I am to be your wife. Seeing you meet needs before they’re expressed, without expectation of acknowledgment, it’s my favorite.

You are, without a doubt, my favorite human being ever. I love you and I like you, Matt. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, Matt! | By Anchor & Veil Photography

My favorite photograph of you ever, by our incredibly talented & dear friend Devin of Anchor & Veil Photography.

Happy birthday, Matt!

August 15, 2017

  1. Jean says:

    Such a sweet tribute to someone so deserving. From the first time I met Matt, I knew what a jewel he was and still is. Happy Birthday, Matt. You are one in a million!

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