This girl is one of my business besties and besties IRL. She’s the champagne to my French 75, and I’ve yet to meet someone who also knows Ashlyn and hear anything other than “OMG I LOVE HER!” She’s a pistol, a firecracker, a sharp-as-a-tack entrepreneur, and one of my favorite people to shoot for!

If you don’t already know Ashlyn, she’s the OG Copywriter for Creatives. Ashlyn strings together words that help creative small business owners sell their products to the people who need them most! She’s written copy for us, and for some of the biggest names in our industry- chances are, you’ve purchased a course that she wrote the launch copy for. My shoot with Ashlyn last June was a huge catalyst for my branding photographs taking off the way they have!

The reason I love shooting for Ashlyn so much is that this girl KNOWS her brand. Back to front, upside-down and inside-out. It what makes it such a thrill to come in and capture content for her- there’s no agonizing over a yet-to-be-determined target market, or what her brand’s messaging is. She know how she wants to be seen and who she’s trying to reach, and with that sort of crystal clear vision, it makes the practice of shooting on-brand content incredibly focused and efficient.

My list of shot ideas was three pages long going into Ashlyn’s shoot. And we got through almost all of it.

Ashlyn, I can’t thank you enough for being you, and for allowing me to capture it all! I love you to pieces, my friend- somehow, we managed to outdo ourselves from last year!!

Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace PhotographyAshlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace PhotographyAshlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace PhotographyAshlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace PhotographyAshlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace PhotographyAshlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography Ashlyn Carter brand shoot by Abby Grace Photography

Atlanta brand shoot for Ashlyn Carter

October 5, 2020

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