Ok so if any of yall read this post, you may be wondering when #6 will be revealed/come to fruition. Well, I’m super stoked to tell you that you’ll only have to wait a few more weeks to find out! It’s one of those game-changing things, too, so some pretty awesome changes will be coming to AGP as well :). But I’ll stop taunting you for the time being!

People, there’s a decade-old score we need to settle. When I was in elementary/middle school, I was in LOVE with the Backstreet Boys. Like, cried for days when we couldn’t make any of their concerts, set my alarm at 5:30 am to wake up to try to win tickets on the radio, and cried more when I wasn’t magic caller #9. However I had friends who felt the same way about N*SYNC, and when it came to deciding who was best, we were bitter enemies. [I’d just like to throw out there that according to the Guinness Book of World Records 2000, BSB was the top grossing boy band of all time. BSB. Not NSYNC]

So let’s duke it out (in a polite, Southern way) right here and now: Backstreet Boys? Or N*SYNC? Sound off in the comments section. THIS IS SERIOUS.

Happy Friday!

A fun ol’ Friday poll

April 13, 2012

  1. Alicia Lacey says:

    Oh, heck yes!! BSB ALL THE WAY! (I.love.Brian.)

  2. Ciiku says:

    Backstreet Boys without a doubt!

  3. N*SYNC!!!!!!

    BTW, the other day on the radio they were talking about boy bands and “where did they all go?” They started playing all school BSB, NSYNC, NKOTB, O’Town, ect. It was like the best trip down memory lane. I LOVE boy bands and I am not even a little bit ashamed:-)

  4. Regan says:

    Oh, NSync, hands down. No question about it!!

  5. Matt says:

    Can we throw in 98 degrees or O-town?

  6. molly says:

    NSYNC GIRL. No question. NONE. I saw them 13 times in concert. NOT ASHAMED!

  7. Ashley says:

    Well I got to meet BSB so I have to say them!

  8. toviah says:

    BSB was a better boy band but Justin Timberlake beats all. Nom nom.

  9. Sonya Ruth says:

    Gosh. I don’t know. I was obsessed with both.. like five years ago! ha! I’ll have to go with Backstreet Boys. You are my fire are the best words in a song. ever.

  10. Becca says:

    BSB has way better songs, hands down!!! But NSYNC gave the world the precious gift known as Justin Timberlake… yikes, tough call

  11. Anna says:

    mmm this is a toughy… I started as a BSB fan big time but when “No Strings Attached” came out I was an NSYNC fan. I can’t decide between both so one vote for each…. or maybe one for NSYNC since Mr. Timberlake is such a hottie 🙂

  12. Clarisse says:

    This is not even a real competition. N’Sync. Who on the Backstreet Boys is even remotely still famous? N’Sync was superior then, and they’re superior now 🙂

  13. Tiffany says:

    Backstreet boys no doubt about it!!!!!!

  14. Jocklyn says:

    Backstreet all the way… they are still on tour and making great records… where’s NSYNC now?? Jusy sayin’!

  15. Andrea says:

    NSYNC hands down. NSYNC had the best dances, singles and the best singer in Justin Timberlake. But Backstreet Boys was the best looking group. I still have way more NSYNC songs in the my ipod than Backstreet Boys though.

  16. Spring says:

    Gotta say I lived BSB first but grew to like both. But my loyalties are with BSB 🙂

  17. Jordan says:

    Oh, definitely Backstreet Boys! Saw them in concert when I was in the 5th grade…still the best concert I’ve ever seen to this day!!

  18. Maria says:

    Girl after my own heart! BSB baby! I was going to marry Kevin, yep.

  19. Lara says:

    I still have Backstreet Boys on my I-pod.

  20. Ashley says:

    backstreet’s back alright!!!

    haha. BSB all the way. i’ve seen them in concert twice. felt like i was walking on cloud nine both times. i saw them this past summer with NKOTB and they blew them out of the water. i know they’d have the same effect on nstink as well hehe. 🙂

  21. Emily Wright says:

    I always liked both, but since BSB came first, I vote for them!

  22. Jae says:

    Backstreet frickin’ Boys all the way!!! 😀 <3 I lorve them.

  23. Gaby says:

    I’m not Southern, so I don’t need to be polite! NSYNC foreva!!! We have Justin Timberlake! Justin has starred in an Oscar-winning film (The Social Network). Nick Carter has been in… 8 Simple Rules? For two episodes.

  24. Karen Field says:

    BSB. But a close 2nd was N-SYNC.

  25. Karen Field says:

    I’ll also add to Matt’s comment about O Town and 98*. If memory serves, 98* had very tight vocals and I loved them!

  26. Definitely NSYNC. Backstreet Boys sounded so whiny to me. And the guys in NYSNC were way cuter.

  27. Shauna says:

    Nsync! I wasn’t a HUGE fan but c’mon, I don’t even remember a BSB song!

  28. Matt says:

    Also can’t forget about New Kids on the Block, they’ve got Mark Wahlberg’s brother! And are currently touring with BSB. I guess I never voted earlier but I guess I will say BSB to support you, although Nsync had a funny cameo on the Simpsons.

  29. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    PLUS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  30. Kacey says:

    Backstreet Boys all the way! I went to 2 concerts and I still listen to them to this day. There’s just something about their music that I love. I do have a few NSYNC songs I like but nothing compares to BSB. I had all the videos and knew the moves to them, etc. I was hardcore even with pictures from magazines covering my walls as wallpaper. Call it obsessed…. but I call it just being their #1 fan 🙂

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