It is, without a doubt, the MOST recognizable landmark in Europe, maybe even the world (the pyramids of Giza are tough competition…). In planning for The Signature Atelier this past summer, Katherine and I knew that some sort of visit to la Tour Eiffel would need to happen, as this was many of our attendees’ […]
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When I was a kid, my mom had this set of matching blue suitcases. Straight out of the 80’s, complete with her initials on the lock. She told me she got them as a graduation present, and I remember (as an 8-year-old) thinking “Luggage? What a boring gift! I’d want Beanie Babies or a Tomagotchi […]
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I would challenge you to meet these two and NOT walk away smitten. Rob & Natalia are exactly the sort of couple I fell in love with photographing & serving from the very beginning- two people who are, above everything else, most excited to be MARRIED. Which means that they’re also the sort to savor […]
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When I first began shooting in Paris, I had no idea it would become what it has. It started out as me trying to justify the medium format film camera I’d purchased months before by using it for personal work during our first trip to Paris. I also knew that if I photographed everything on […]
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