When Matt & I first found ourselves at Reston Community Church, one of the first things that stuck out to me was how genuinely welcoming everyone was. Not that artificial warmth when they forget your name by the following Sunday; we were meeting people who were legitimately excited that we’d come to worship with them, people who invited us in and made us feel like family.

Jay & Caitlin are a perfect illustration of this. I’ve had the chance to get to know Caitlin over the past few months and am regularly awed by her- her sweet spirit, her ability to make anyone feel valuable, and the way she’s kept her chin up and her heart cheerful throughout Jay’s deployment. We were only at RCC a few weeks before Jay deployed, but the bit of time that we did get to know him, Matt really grew to respect him.

It’s been a long season for Caitlin, these past few months without her husband, and it’s their third deployment since being together so you’d think it might be less of an event when he comes home since they’ve been through this twice before. But watching Caitlin’s anticipation build as the day came closer and closer was exciting for our entire church- this past Sunday was full of hugs, squeals of joy and congratulations.

Monday morning dawned wet and cold as we made our way out to BWI to welcome Jay home. We met Caitlin at International Arrivals, she in her carefully chosen hot pink dress with an inability to stop smiling. The plane’s arrival time had waffled back and forth, but finally around 1:30 pm the announcement came that wheels were on the ground and we’d be seeing passengers come through the doors in just a few minutes. So Caitlin stood with her eyes on those doors, searching the face of every soldier, seaman and Marine that came through them. “Come on, Jeremiah- don’t keep me waiting!”

And then there he was, and her face broke into the sweetest, most blissful smile; her world was finally complete again. All was well.

USMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace PhotographyUSMC homecoming- Abby Grace Photography

Welcome home, USMC Captain J. Adams!


Welcome home, Jay!

March 20, 2013

  1. Alison Mish says:

    This is beautiful! I absolutely love how you captured the entire story through your pictures! Lovely as always 🙂

  2. stephanie g says:

    omg crying at work. so sweet. and so thankful for his service!!!

  3. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    I have the BIGGEST lump in my throat right now! Abby, these pictures are precious. Not only that, but your writing in this post was so sincere and moving that even before I began looking at the images, I was already emotional! This is one of my favorite things you’ve produced to-date – BEAUTIFUL.

  4. I agree with Rebekah. Oh my goodness. THIS is what photography is all about.

  5. Debbie Munoz says:

    Abby–So touching and beautiful. This one made me cry.

  6. Elizabeth says:

    I LOVE THIS. Oh my gosh, I cried. This is so great…. seriously… thanks for doing this shoot Abby! The memories that are BURNED into my mind more than any other are homecomings. They are the best. They are what get us out of bed every morning. They are what motivate us to stay strong. The hope of them gets us through the darkest, hardest things we will ever face.
    What a great homecoming, too! I’ve never seen an airport decked out like that before. Awesome!

  7. Joey says:

    Growing up in a military family I love to see these type of pictures! Beautiful job Abby!!

  8. Regan says:

    Oh my goodness, I LOOVE this!! Totally misty-eyed right now!! I’ve been at the airport on the waiting end for my soldier twice now – there’s not a feeling in the world that can compare to the joy you feel when you finally see their face!! Amazing amazing job capturing the emotion!

  9. Erica says:

    My eyes are tearing! Such a wonderful moment and you have done a beautiful job capturing this special story!

  10. Megan says:

    This gave me chills, what a beautiful moment to capture on camera. I remember Phil’s homecoming like it was yesterday and to this day, it is still one of the best moments of my entire life!

  11. John Lennon says:

    Abby, thank you soooo much for sharing this moment with all of us. I’m humbled and appreciative of your documentation this emotional and important moment. Wow! Thank you!

  12. Abby- It amazes me how you can capture all things that are beautiful through your images. But the way you captured their story through these pictures is simply amazing!

  13. Deborah Zoe says:

    love, love, love, love!:)

  14. Edwina says:


    These are amazing! I think they are among the best you’ve ever published on your blog!!

  15. Carrie Holbo says:

    Dang, I’ve got something in my eye….some dust or something….sniff sniff….. 😉

  16. Mandy Naylor says:

    This made me tear up!! Awesome shots!

  17. dang onions.

    this is beautiful.

  18. Sarah Adams says:

    Abby- these are incredible. I totally cried reading this and looking through the beautiful pictures. Congratulations to Jay and Caitlin, and God bless them both! 🙂

  19. Karen Field says:

    What a wonderful idea this was. All we have of either of Ethan’s homecoming are just a couple of rushed shots. Everybody is right: that moment when you see their faces is the best. And I’m saying that as the mom of Abby and Ethan. I love that they decorated the wall for them. And it looked like there was a group of men waiting there to shake the returning troops home. I’ll bet they were veterans. I’ve heard of veterans doing that because the troops know that the veterans understand better than any how good it is to be home. So proud of you for catching these moments so touchingly!

  20. Dani says:

    It’s not even 9:00am. I’m already crying. As a sister of a deployed infantryman, I naturally get super choked up about these sorts of things, but your words accompanying the photos are just beautiful. I don’t even know him but I know I am thankful that he is home and he is safe. Thanks for sharing these.

  21. That one of her standing in line with her hands folded. Oh, my heart.

  22. Courtney Bay says:

    This made me cry! I was doing so good until the picture of all the signs… Then the flood gates opened.

  23. Abby, so glad you shared this link on today’s post!!! Seriously tearing up over here — absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! You do such a great job at capturing emotion 🙂

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