I’m what I’d like to call an optimistic realist, but you guys know that about me by now! I believe in accurately estimating one’s own potential, albeit positively so, and operating within that scope of possibility. That way I don’t end up crushingly disappointed when it turns out I’m not as amazing at something as I thought, you know?

Rising Tide Society, Tuesdays Together- graphic by Krista A Jones

For example, I recognized pretty early on that no matter how hard I practiced, I was never going to be a world-renowned concert bassoonist, so I pursued other avenues of interest and career. Who knows, maybe if I HAD practiced harder, longer, more intensely, I could be the best bassoonist you’d never heard of…but I sincerely doubt it.

Every once in a while, though, you’ll meet a person who makes you start to believe that age-old notion that “you can do anything you set your mind to.” Because you can see they believe it, and you can see them doing incredible things that you yourself would never have dared to even dream about trying.

Natalie & Krista are those kinds of people. I’ve had the joy of knowing Natalie for a couple of years now, and this girl is in the business of changing the world. I’ve never known someone with as much drive and HEART as Natalie Franke. Over the last two Creative At Heart conferences, I’ve had the opportunity to have some seriously amazing conversations with these two ladies, so when an incoming call from Natalie came with and idea and the request to help, you bet I was all in!

Rising Tide Society, Tuesdays Together- graphic by Krista A Jones

See, there’s this quote by John F Kennedy- “A rising tide lifts all boats.” Initially used in reference to something political, Natalie used it in her talk at Creative back in January to talk about how furthering community among creatives results in growth for ALL. And then she wrote this phenomenal blog post about Community Over Competition, which you absolutely have to read.

So the Rising Tide Society was born from Krista & Natalie’s desire to lift the boats around them. How beautiful is that?? In an industry where it’s so easy to close yourself off from your competitors, these two women saw the value and the NEED for fellowship among business owners, and Tuesdays Together were born. These meet-ups will take place on the first Tuesday of every month, and you can see if there’s a group already started in your area by going here! And the good news is that if there isn’t already a meet-up in your area? You can apply to start leading one. Because I promise you all, from someone who’s tried to go it alone, the journey is a lot more enjoyable when you have friends with you along the way.

Rising Tide Society, Tuesdays Together- graphic by Krista A Jones

If you’re in the DC/northern Virginia area and want to come out next week on Tuesday, May 5, I’ll be at the Le Pain Quotidien in Tyson’s Corner from 1pm to 3pm. Come for as long or as little as you like, bring a laptop or something to work on, and let’s share life! There’s no agenda for the meet-up, just a chance for creative entrepreneurs to come alongside one another and grow together :).

**All graphics by Krista Jones!**

Tuesdays Together, and the Rising Tide Society!

April 30, 2015

  1. Jean says:

    What a wonderful concept!

  2. Thank you so much for your sweet words Abby! We’re SO excited to see what your group does for the DC/NOVA community!

  3. Looking forward to this!!

  4. `I also love, love, love this idea!! I would love to join in sometime soon, but I won’t be able to this month. I live just around the corner from Tysons but work in the city! I hope it’s a wonderful time together!

  5. Alicia says:

    Loving this idea! Is there a Facebook group specifically for the DC folks that I can join to stay up to date on the next meeting?

  6. Hi Abby–

    I saw your post about Tuesdays together a week too late! I’m still relatively new to Northern Virginia after moving here from North Carolina two years ago. ….as of a few weeks ago, it appears we are here to stay however. I’ve desperately missed my creative friends from college since moving to the area, but haven’t found a good way to connect with other creatives. Let me know if you all meets again.


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