It dawned on me as I was writing yesterday’s Monday Mash-Up post how not only is 2013 flying by, but I’m letting it PASS me by. And that terrified me. I get frustrated when I hear things like “I just can’t wait for it to be spring” in January because it feels like someone’s wishing away months of their lives at a time, but allowing time to rush right past you without taking a moment to pause and enjoy is just as bad.

When I was still working in the corporate world, I’d often hear people say things like “Time passes too quickly here- you sit down at your desk on Monday morning, get to work, and when you pause to look up at the clock, it’s Friday afternoon.” While I definitely didn’t share that sentiment during my time behind a desk, I completely understand it now. And as much as I live for weekends, I have to start enJOYING the days during the week a bit more, rather than just rushing right through everything.

In case you’re wondering where all of this heavy talk is coming from, I know I’m not the only one who cried during The Office series finale when Andy said “I wish there was a way to know you’re IN the ‘good old days’ before you’ve actually left them.” And that’s what I’m realizing- these ARE the good old days, and I feel like I’m letting them pass us by without slowing down to savor the moment. I don’t want to get 5, 10, 15 years down the road and look back on days like this and wonder why Matt and I didn’t recognize them for what they are.

I’ve always had an irrational fear of getting old, and I think this is where it stems from; the fear of reaching the age of 80 and realizing I never appreciated the moment for what it was. When I was 15, I wished I was 17. When I was 19, I wished I was 23. I know when I’m 40, I’ll wish I was 30 again, and on and on. I’m 25 right now and I’m so happy, right where I am. And yet I still find myself wishing away weeks of my life at a time. In April, it was something like “I wish it was June so we could be in England already.” And now that it’s June, I find myself internally saying “I wish it was September so the weather would cool off.” What?! That’s three months from now!

What if, and track with me here, I woke up on Tuesday, June 4th, and told myself that I was happy that today is today, and not any other day, and that today I’m going to make the most out of everything I can, just for this 24-hour period? And tomorrow? I’ll do the same thing. Take time to stop and smell the roses. Or peonies, or lilies, or wildflowers. Take a moment to pause and ENJOY where God has me right at this very minute, instead of rushing onto whatever’s next. One day we’ll hopefully have a family, and as joyful as that will be, I know we’re going to miss the freedom of having a date night whenever we want, of staying up late to watch a Nationals game. There will always be photos to edit, emails to answer and albums to design, but Matt and I won’t always have this time with just the two of us, and I want to enjoy this precious time NOW instead of mourning the loss of it later.

Happy Tuesday, friends. (Photo by my sweet friend Rebekah!) (And in case anyone was wondering, no, this isn’t a precursor to a pregnancy announcement 🙂 )

That one time I stopped and smelled the roses

June 4, 2013

  1. I love this. Especially because what Andy said was so TRUE! (And probably one of the most tweeted quotes ever!) I’m always trying to remind myself to CALM DOWN and be present, so I think waking up and telling myself to be “happy that today is today, and not any other day, and that today I’m going to make the most out of everything I can.” Great words 🙂

  2. Jody Schissler says:

    You are such a joy, so full of life! So yes..take the time to enjoy it..and age ..ah it is all irrelevant..take it from me…Life gets better with age!

  3. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    Wow, Abby! This is such an amazing reminder. I SO needed to hear this! I’m currently counting down the days until my vacation and there is so much life to be lived TODAY and each and every day! This was so beautifully written and such a constantly needed reminder for me – thank you 🙂

  4. Nicolette says:

    Great reminder for everyone Abby!

  5. Jean says:

    I am so glad to see this post. Just hold on to this thought! You will be fine! As someone not quite 80, I can tell you I never regretted time spent with children and grandchildren! Or for that matter time spent in my sewing room or with my bee buds, even if I was not being productive.

  6. Mia Bjerring says:

    What are great reminder, Abby! Thank you so much, I really needed it today! And I seriously love that photo of you and Matt! You guys are so gorgeous and make the cutest couple! 🙂 Happy Tuesday!

  7. Hannah Madera says:

    I decided I would try commenting every now and again since normally I just read your blog and LOVE it but never say so on here :-p So here it is: I LOVE THIS BLOG POST! Time really does fly by, and life is made of so many different seasons of life.. if we spend our time wishing the season we’re in away, we miss so much! Not only enjoyment and pleasure but also the valuable lessons to be learned in each day. I’ve often found the “interruptions” in my day are really surprise blessings. And by the way the picture at the end of you and Matt is adorable 😉

  8. Kristen says:

    Such a beautiful picture! And you’re so right, enjoy the summer while it’s here! Also…HAHAHAHAAA to that disclaimer 🙂

  9. Morgan says:

    I hear you, girl. As much as I want this deployment to be OVER, it’s also a whole YEAR of my life that i’m wishing by. I don’t want to miss all the great things happening right in front of me :/
    You’re AMAZING!

  10. Abby Flick says:

    This post was a little bit like the “Dear Abby” column in the newspapers! 🙂
    Thanks for the post, though! Definitely something I needed to hear today. I, myself, have one year left of college and WOAH BABY! Time flies, but I’m trying to enjoy every part of my summer.

  11. Dad says:

    Time passes so quickly, it seems like yesterday when you were born and it is still hard to think of you as anything other than my little girl. It is difficult mainly because that is what you will always be in your fathers eyes, his little cherubic child. When I am 85 and you are 55 just remember, you will still be my little girl. Stay young at heart, live each moment for all it is worth and enjoy life.
    (However, at mile 20 of a marathon it is still ok to WISH THIS DANG RACE WAS OVER!)


  12. Emilia Jane says:

    So so true…I’m trying to be more present and enjoy the now this year too 😀 xxoo

  13. ashley link says:

    great post!!! and you and matt are adorable! this is so true to enjoy the moment!!! i need to remember this! thanks for this! 🙂

  14. Rachel Wells says:

    I am just catching up, and I love this!! I have to remind myself daily to slow down and appreciate today. Oh, and I TOTALLY cried during the whole finale of the office! Andy spoke some wise words ;).

  15. Sarah Adams says:

    That quote from Andy is going to stick with me forever, I hope. I needed that reminder, and this blog post! It reminds me of the movie, Click with Adam Sandler…even though its a bit foul at points, it totally brings the point home that you cannot wish life away!!! Thanks for this reminder, Abby!!

  16. Sarah Adams says:

    P.S. I just LOVE this picture of you and your hubby. You BOTH are glowing, and your love is just so inspiring 🙂 A Christ-like love, for sure! And you are just GORGEOUS!

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