Matt, this blog post is written to you.

You’ve been my better half for nearly four years now, picking up where I leave off, perfectly in sync without missing a step. You know that I’m passionate and excited, but that when it comes down to the specific logistics of things like getting from point A to B, I tend to get overwhelmed. And that’s where you step in and save the day.

I want to thank you for the past two weeks, for everything you did to make our trip as amazing as it could possibly be. Thank you for taking care of navigating us through London and Paris, for taking charge of the maps of the Tube, for knowing how to get us back to our hotel when I felt completely lost.

Thank you for dealing with my artist’s heart, which meant stopping every 50-100 feet to click a frame of this ecclectic storefront, or that colorful door, or a cliché street performer on the Ponts des Arts. Thank you for indulging my sentimental soul that wanted to spend an hour every day sitting in a café or pub, watching life happen on the streets of these European cities.

Thank you for carrying both of our heavy luggage down the endless staircases of the Paris underground, because you saw what an effort it was for me to do it alone. Thank for allowing me to photograph you over and and over, even though I know you don’t like having your picture taken. And thank you for praying over me that one morning we woke up for a portrait session at dawn and I had the flu. I loved you more in that moment than I think I ever have before.

Most of all, dear Matt, thank you for leading me selflessly, for sacrificing your own introverted comforts of home for my extroverted sense of adventure. Thank you for the most amazing vacation I’ve ever had, for the memories we’ll still reminisce on in fifty years, for the opportunity to be inspired, and for the chance to fall more in love with you. You are my favorite person in the entire world.

Baker Street, London- Abby Grace Photography


July 2, 2013

  1. tears. flowing. i love this.

  2. Dani says:

    Matt must be a swell guy!! I love this blog post. I’m so lucky to have a husband that will stop every two seconds for my picture taking obsession even if he does have the same thumbs up pose in every photo I have of him. I love the first sentence in the last paragraph – you are a lucky gal!! 🙂

  3. Emily says:

    So sweet!

  4. Nicolette says:

    Now THAT was great. Perfect match!

  5. Sarah H. says:

    Thanks for sharing this with us, Abby! You inspire me, in posts like this, to be a more observant wife – to see how Greg really loves me and cares for me – and how truly blessed I am. Thank you for spiring me on!

  6. So so sweet!!! <3

  7. Dad says:

    I tip my hat to the first and only man I ever approved of for my one and only daughter. You were and are the right man and the only one I could have given her to.

  8. Jean says:

    What a nice tribute to Matt. I knew he was a “keeper” from the first time I met him. Love you both!

  9. Morgan T. says:

    made me cryyy <3

  10. Olivia says:

    Literally brought tears to my eyes– what an inspiration to what I should be searching for in a guy 🙂 So happy for you!

  11. Nora E. says:

    This was beautiful! You have found the love that every girl waits for! A simply amazing post 🙂

  12. rebekah j. says:

    these are always my favorite kinds of posts of all ever.

    (and i’m loving your blog redesign!)

  13. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    This is my favorite blog post you’ve ever written. God is so amazing to design someone for us who is such a perfect fit! His strengths for your weaknesses, and vise versa. Such a beautiful picture of the Gospel!! xoxo

  14. Matt is such a great guy!

  15. Karen Field says:

    What a beautiful way to thank your husband. I’m sure there were things he appreciated about you on the trip, too. By doing it in a public way you lift him up and let others see his wonderful qualities. I hope that both of you were able to find quality time out of the quantity of time. It sounds like you did just that! Mom

  16. Rachel says:

    What a great reminder to appreciate the small things in a person, especially one you love. Great writing. 🙂

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