By now you guys have probably begun to understand that I love to talk. Love it, love it, love it. Before going into photographer meet-ups, I have to remind myself to shut up and LISTEN every once in a while, because every time there’s even a slight lull in conversation, I feel like it’s my duty to fill the void with more talking. And sometimes that results in subpar conversation, because when you’re talking just to fill dead space, you sometimes ramble on without purpose, without any substance behind your words.

That’s kind of how I’ve been feeling lately about my blog. As much as I love talking, I think I love writing more- when I’m in a writing groove, I can crank out 5-6 GOOD blog posts in one day and have them stored up for later. But when I’m not in a writing mood? My blog becomes a burden, a weight hanging over my head, something I have to complete before I can move on with the rest of my day. On days like that, it can take me three to four hours to finally get my blog posted because I get distracted more easily (Facebook is the BANE of my work day productivity), and it’s time wasted that I could have spent editing, answering emails, exploring new ideas, etc.

Virginia wedding photography- Abby Grace

When I first made the commitment to blog five times a week, it was for a couple of reasons- 1) because I love to write, 2) because I love feedback/creating conversation with my audience, and 3) because most of my favorite photographers were already doing it, and it was working really well for them.

But lately I’ve had to step back and ask myself if this is working anymore, blogging every weekday. I love writing, but when it becomes an obligation or a burden, it’s not enjoyable anymore, meaning my reason #1 is no longer true, at least for that day. And if I don’t feel like I have anything of substance to say, I don’t put as much effort into my posts, resulting in a lack of enthusiasm from my audience, meaning that reason #2 is shot as well. And when it comes to #3, sure, blogging daily works well for those other photographers. But I’m not them, I’m Abby Grace, and perhaps this just isn’t what’s going to work for ME. And most importantly, I don’t think I’m honoring the Lord with the precious time I’ve been given by wasting half of a day on social media, just to avoid having to write my blog post.

Virginia wedding photography- Abby Grace

So here’s what I’m thinking; I’m going to cut back to 3-4 blog posts a week for a month-long trial period. Some of you are probably wondering why I felt the need to “announce” that I’m doing this, but it’s because I’ve committed to blogging 5x a week before (and because I believe in consistency) that I wanted to clarify that the coming month is INTENTIONAL, and not just me failing to follow through.

My blog has been such a large part of how my business has grown over the past 2+ years that I’ve been writing, and contemplating any sort of change scares me. I mean, you’re talking to the girl who actually lost sleep last year over whether or not to remove the watermark from my blogged images- I have a really hard time making decisions when it comes to changing anything in my business. If blogging has equaled success in the past, will changing the frequency mean that I fail? I hope not, but I don’t know. That’s what the trial period is for.  What I DO know is that I want to enjoy writing again, and I want my writing to be intentional and worthy of reading, rather than throwing up a sorry excuse for a blog post simply because I made a promise almost two years ago to do so. And so when September 13 rolls around, I’ll reevaluate.

Virginia wedding photography- Abby Grace

Happy Tuesday, friends. And a huge thanks to the sweetheart that is Annamarie for being the one to inspire me to go from considering making a change (for the past six months) to actually DOING something about it.

Taking 4 hours to write a blog post

August 13, 2013

  1. best advice i have been given to date in regards to my business: do you. and do it well.

    you go girl 😀

  2. Mary Neumann says:

    Good for you, lady!! So excited for you and so brave of you for being totally honest with us all/taking this step for your business!!! You’re inspiring!!! Keep it up! 🙂

  3. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    I’m so proud of you Abby! It’s so freeing to make a decision for YOU, not based on what anyone else is doing, but on who you are and what your needs are as a small business owner. Yay!

  4. Bethany says:

    The best thing you can do for you and your business is be true to yourself and its so nice to see you following through on that 🙂 Keep going because you are an awesome photographer

  5. Wendy Wade says:

    Good for you for realizing you could do something different and will probably have an even better outcome. It’s nice you put it out there for your readers…. I just left any that I had hanging since the work became so overbearing that coming up with a blog post just wasn’t in the cards since the actual projects had to get done! I think there’s a ton of pressure on business owners with the added social media presence that we should always be blogging, tweeting, thinking of amazing content to put out there… but guess what… how would we ever actually get anything done!? Good for you for recognizing and making a change.

  6. Jean says:

    Good move. Great pics!

  7. Karen Field says:

    I agree with what your photographer friends have said.each of them adding support and their knowledge is a tremendous blessing for all of you. And good for your honesty to all who read your blog to say that you made a commitment before but you are doing a trial of something different and will see how that goes before informing them of your new commitment, or whatever you decide. Change is scary, even when it is exciting like getting married! Ask God for His peace and walk on…. Mom

  8. Morgan T. says:

    Good for you!! Don’t worry, you’re not gonna loose any of your supportive followers 🙂 It’s just gonna make us MORE stoked to see what you have to say 🙂 xoxoxo

  9. Annamarie says:

    So proud of you for making a decision for your business that works well for YOU and the way you work! I think that is such a huge key for success!! I’ve just been learning that asking myself “why?” I do certain things in regards to my business seems to make a big difference. Also, I just love what your momma said…change and doing things differently is scary!! But it’s usually worth it! You go girl!! xo

  10. I’ve actually been contemplating the same (at least during wedding season) – because I just don’t have the time to serve my clients well and blog 5x a week. During off-season I LOVE blogging because I have the time to really put effort & thought into my posts and they are so much more enjoyable then, as opposed to now – where I feel like they are just a time suck on my productivity. Anyway – I’m rambling – but that was to say – do what you have to do love! You got this!

  11. Rici says:

    This sounds good Abby, everyone has to find what suits Them. It´s courageous to share it all on your Blog!!
    ~ saluti & hugs!

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