The winter blues are a real thing, people. And we were feeling them pretty strongly this past winter- it was just so cold all the time, with winds nasty enough to chap your skin until it cracked. Not fun. Not fun at all.

During one especially nasty, wintery period, Matt proposed the idea of going south for a week. He’d always wanted to attend spring training, and I really wanted to go to Disney World with him + see the new extension of Harry Potter world at Universal, so we found a date that worked and booked our travel! We decided to drive the whole way because a) it was a heck of a lot cheaper and simpler than flying + renting a vehicle, and 2) we like spending the time together in the car :).

We went to two Nats games, fulfilling Matt’s spring training dream- it was a blast being so close to the players! I loved watching kids get so excited over autographs, whenever the players had a sec and came over to sign baseballs.

Washington Nationals Spring Training- Abby Grace PhotographyWashington Nationals Spring Training- Abby Grace PhotographyWashington Nationals Spring Training- Abby Grace Photography

and then we visited Universal with my BEST friend Sarah and her husband Dan! Remember these two? Sarah hadn’t been to Harry Potter world yet, and I hadn’t seen the new part of the part that was opened last fall, so we made plans to go together. Sarah’s a closet HP fan, and I guess I never really realized how extensive that fandom is until Universal- we had SO much fun geeking out over the little details throughout the park, things that only dedicated Potterheads would take notice of/realize the significance of. Sarah, I think I love you even more than before.

We started in Hogsmeade…

Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade - Abby Grace Photography

Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace Photography

Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade - Abby Grace Photography

And then took the Hogwarts Express to Diagon Alley!

Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Hogsmeade - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace Photography

How freakin cute is my best friend?!

Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace Photography

I loved the subtle touches. Matt & I are standing in front of Number 12, Grimmauld Place- see if you can find the surprise in the photo!

Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace PhotographyWizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace Photography

We met Captain America over on the other side of Islands of Adventure. MURICA.

Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace Photography

The rest of these are iPhone photos, excuse the bad quality!

This is sort of what it was like to walk Sirius before we got the easy walker harness for him.

Wizarding World of Harry Potter- Diagon Alley - Abby Grace Photography

Ok, so let me explain this. There’s this thing called Disnebounding, where you dress up like a character without wearing a costume, per se. Cinderella’s always been my favorite because I love her blue dress (because let’s be honest, the original Cinderella has like ZERO personality), so I found a blue dress, made myself a black necklace from a piece of ribbon, snagged a blue headband from the kid’s section at a department store, and boom. Disneybounding version of Cinderella.

Disney bounding- Abby Grace Photography

Chatting with Cinderella re: the pros and cons of mice as personal attendants.

Met some evil stepsisters. They weren’t huge fans of mine.

Disney bounding- Abby Grace PhotographyDisney bounding- Abby Grace Photography

Happy Thursday, friends!

Springmann Vacation 2015!

March 26, 2015

  1. Shalese says:

    AHHHHH it’s time for me to schedule my trip to the world of HP! 🙂 I LOVE that you found the perfect Cinderella dress . . . those sleeves are SO Cinderella!

  2. Ahh!! I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go!! That is all!! 😉

  3. Ahh! I haven’t been to the new part of Harry Potter World yet! They totally went ALL OUT!! And do I see Mrs. Black in the window above you and Matt?! 😀

  4. Jeannie Mathews says:

    Now you’ve done it. I’m going to have to read all of the Harry Potter books again. And go to Florida.

  5. Jean says:

    the photos are great. Looks like you and Matt had a fun filled trip! You make a great Cinderella!

  6. Tina says:

    Jose and I have always wanted to go to Spring Training too! Its definitely on our bucket list (but for the NY Mets! lol) and YESSS!! Isn’t the Harry Potter section amazing!?!? When we went through the brick into Diagon Alley, I cried! It was just so perfect and overwhelming. And I just LOVE you posing with the Evil stepsisters and Lady Tremaine! lol Too funny!

  7. Sarah Brennan says:

    I LOVE THIS POST!!! I can’t even express how much fun Dan and I had on that trip. It even got Dan enthusiastic about Harry Potter and he’s been all about watching the movies so he can pick out things he saw at the park. You two deserved this trip and your pictures capture it perfectly!! And that Cinderella dress is PERFECT! I love you Abby Squash 🙂

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