I’ll admit it- last Saturday, I was frustrated. My brother and his then-fiancée-now-wife had been planning their wedding for over a year and I was SO excited to photograph their big day. Ethan and I have had a bit of a tumultuous relationship (as I’m sure most older brothers and their annoying younger sisters have), and this was a chance for me to bless him, to serve him and his new wife. Plus, they were getting married on Bald Head Island, a place I’d been DYING to shoot for years now. So I worked with Jess, my new sister, to create a timeline when I could see they didn’t have one, making sure we had enough time for all the necessary family + bridal party photos, and then plenty of time for couples’ pictures for Ethan & Jess to treasure.

But then life happened (as life often does) and the wedding day schedule was crunched. REALLY crunched. Where I’d originally schedule an hour and and a half to allow for photos, I now had eight minutes.


Eight minutes to take the wedding portraits I’d been dreaming of in my dream location. Eight minutes to capture their joy, to document their bliss. Eight minutes. No more.

The next day on our morning run around the island, I was lamenting to my dad how disappointed I was. That I’d had this tremendous opportunity to create incredible images in front of me but because of the time crunch, I now had a handful of rushed photos that I didn’t feel did the couple or the atmosphere justice. And then my dad, in his everlasting wisdom, said something that pulled me up short:

“But Abby, it’s not about you.”

Ethan & Jess are incredibly laid back- easy going, not stressed by a fluctuating schedule. So when everything was pushed back by an hour on their wedding day, the only person who was panicking was me. Panicking because I wouldn’t get to satisfy my desire to shoot the portraits that I wanted, in the location I wanted.

Let’s take a look at that last sentence and see how many times I referred to myself- I, my, I, I. Four times.

It’s ok that I was disappointed by the crunched schedule- what photographer wouldn’t be? But I was failing to see the big picture- my desires for the day ranked BELOW what Ethan & Jess wanted, and they were ok with those eight minutes in light of the scheduling shift. So even though I was bummed, eight minutes should have been enough for me if it was enough for them. And in the end, we managed to get quite a few portraits that I loved, ones that I know they’ll be proud to frame. I just wish, during those eight minutes, that I’d discarded my “woe is we and my abbreviated portrait session” attitude and chosen to reJOICE in the new union these two, in the fact that my brother was blissfully and incandescently happy in the moment.

The point of my rambling is to remind myself that sometimes, even with as much planning and meticulous attention as I devote to a timeline, things get crunched. It just happens. And my job in that moment isn’t to freak out and feel sorry for myself. It’s to keep the big picture in mind- that this bride and this groom are getting MARRIED, and my job is to document that love, that joy, that bliss in whatever form it takes. Sometimes the best of plans go awry and keeping the big picture in mind honors my couples above myself, serving them in the best way possible.

Bald Head Island wedding photographer

Happy Tuesday!

Reality check, table of one.

October 23, 2012

  1. SO perfectly put! I can’t wait to see the moments you did capture for your brother and new sister:-)

  2. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    What a humbling reminder, Abby – it isn’t about us, it’s about the couple. I SO easily find myself feeling selfishly frustrated if I don’t get what I want on the wedding day. Thank you for this!

  3. Dad says:

    Abby, you just bless my socks off!

  4. Urška says:

    You wrote this really great! And yes i know how hard it is in a great location with so little time, but you did it great 🙂

  5. oh my… i NEEDED this today!!! spent all weekend thinking about how much i hate it when the timeline isn’t ‘working’… gahhh. so needed this <3

  6. Abby,

    That is so exciting that you got to shoot on BHI! Your brother and his new wife chose what I consider to be the most perfect wedding location on earth. Kudos to them! I’m actually headed there this weekend. I completely understand your frustrations and how hard it is to step back and realize that sometimes our big plans have to change on the wedding day due to circumstances out of our control and that’s alright. Thank you for the reminder. That’s great that they were so laid back and happy though. I can’t wait to see more pictures! Congrats to your brother and sister-in-law!

  7. Sabrina says:

    Oh my heavens… thank you for speaking this truth today! I always get so caught up in what’s going on and how it’s affecting me and my timeline that I was so intentional with that I sometimes forget that it’s never about me on the wedding day. It’s my bride and groom’s day and no matter what happens, it’s about them and capturing the day… and whatever that brings with it 🙂
    PS – your dad’s comment made me smile and may have even brought a small tear to my eye! So sweet!

  8. Jean says:

    Really good blog, Abby! We were all gathered there for one reason, to celebrate the marriage of these two very special people. The two images you shared are beautiful, as I’m sure the rest will be, also.

  9. Sarah B. says:

    Thanks for your honesty, Abby! And the reminder and good perspective of what the important part of a wedding is – a MARRIAGE – in the midst of all my planning as well!!

  10. Mom says:

    Beautifully expressed, Abby. I know that it wasn’t all about you. You wanted to be able to present to them what you knew you had the ability to do because this was your gift to them. You have professional standards and it must’ve been hard to suspend those in light of the schedule changing. The point is that you swung with it. Realizing that there was a sense of you being too highly important is a good thing, but balance that with the fact that you knew what you could do for them and it disappointed you to not be able to give them your very best. In other words, chill out. Tell God what your conscience tells you to and then leave it there. His intention for your life is not for you to dwell in guilt and misery, but to accept His forgiveness and walk on as His daughter. Ethan and Jessica will be happy with whatever you come up with. Lessons learned here but don’t beat yourself up here. God was teaching you a new lesson, as He does me, pretty much every single day.

  11. Colette says:

    This is a great post, one that many *brides* should read! (Heck, probably some pushy relatives and attendants, too). No wedding is perfect. Someone will break a heel or the wrong flowers will be on the cake. But it always ends up being okay, and you get married!

  12. Matt says:

    Sorry about almost crashing the cart, but the images came out beautifully!

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