Back when Matt and I were planning our trip, I’d thrown out the idea of going to Paris for a night. “When will we ever have a chance to do this again?” We’d already be next door in England, and I’d been dreaming of traveling to France since the age of 12. Maybe it was because of my history of ballet and the undeniable connection France has to the arts, or maybe it was the four years of French I took in high school, or maybe just the idea of France; elegant, sophisticated, soft and graceful. Whatever it was, I had to go. I just had to. In the end, we settled on four days in Paris- I was over the moon.

When we arrived in Paris, after managing to find our way to the hotel, I was completely overwhelmed. I wanted to see EVERYTHING, but not in a touristy way- I didn’t want to stand in line for the Eiffel Tower or pay for an admission to the Louvre just to sprint through to see the three most famous paintings. We wanted to experience Paris- to walk her streets, see her people, be inspired by Parisian life. We were enthralled with the idea of sitting in a cafe for an hour, two hours, just to watch life go on around us. No schedule, no pressure of having to be at this tour by a certain hour, just a slow, unhurried stroll through the streets of one of the most culturally rich cities in the world. 

I needed this. I needed Paris. It breathed life into my artist’s heart and set my soul on fire for travel, for history, for something I haven’t yet found words for. Paris taught me about my own artistic perspective and tendencies, to embrace what it is that makes me tick as a creative. I love the United States and Reston will always be my favorite place on Earth, but I think Paris might be my second home.

Paris film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace Photographer

Paris film photographer- Abby Grace Photographer

Paris film photographer- Abby Grace Photographer

Paris film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace Photographer

This is one of my favorite images from our trip. We stepped inside Saint Sulpice, a church just a few blocks away from Notre Dame. The way the light was streaming through the windows took my breath away.

Paris film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace Photographer

Paris film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace Photographer

A bit of black & white film is never out of place in Paris.

Paris film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace PhotographerParis film photographer- Abby Grace Photographer

For those who are curious- a mix of Fuji 400H, Portra 400 & Portra 800, and Ilford HP5, all shot on the Contax 645, developed at Richard Photo Lab.

Paris on film

July 25, 2013

  1. Urška Majer says:

    These are simply amazing! And that light in the church…gorgeous 🙂

  2. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    WOW Abby! These are stunning!!!

  3. Fantastic photos Abby! Transported me back to my trip in March, such a stunning city, I could visit over and over again! xx

  4. Emilia Jane says:

    Aww this makes me miss Paris. You look beautiful in that dress too 🙂

  5. Jean says:

    Beautiful photos, Abby. Just gorgeous!

  6. Abby this is gorgeous! I love that photo of you on the steps! I’m so glad you have the chance to go to Paris!

  7. Paula says:

    These are amazing! So beautiful.

  8. Dani says:

    Wow, Abby. These are so beautiful. If I am being honest, Charles du Galle airport made me never want to step foot into the actual city of Paris (I had a connecting flight to Florence and the airport was a terrible experience) but your pictures are making me re-think that. I love how charming and quaint it all looks and you look like a total natural there. I really hope you are purchasing a giant canvas of one of the Saint Sulpice photos for your wall. I love the one with the light streaming in through the dome. Beautiful as always!!

  9. I feel like I could literally smell those peonies! 🙂 Love the quiet and thoughtful-ness of these images, that they aren’t hurried “tourist shots”.

  10. AF says:

    these images are just so lovely. i too dreamed of visiting paris my whole life. i finally did in 2001 and met my english husband on my first night in paris near the sacre coeur. we spent one magical day walking around paris and have now been married almost 12 years and have 2 beautiful boys. paris indeed has a bit of my heart. <3

  11. Megan Chase says:

    I studied abroad in Paris and you just took me right back in time! Thank you! These images are so soft and sweet! I am absolutely in love!

  12. desi says:

    Love these photos! Your style in film is just as dreamy if not more than your digital images! Absolutely gorgeous work!

  13. Rebekah Carter says:

    I love your philosophy for traveling. I hate doing all the typical touristy stuff too. I’d rather just walk around & experience life as it happens in a new (to me) place. These pictures are all so fabulous. I agree with whoever else said you should get a canvas of one of the pictures taken inside that church. The lighting is just begging for a canvas.

  14. Megan says:

    Amazing! These are probably my favorite of all your Europe film photos. And you look great, girl!

  15. as usual… wow. i really hope you get prints of these!

  16. These are seriously stunning!! This makes me want to travel & use my mamiya again! LOVE FILM. Yes!!!

  17. Truly beautiful. I too have always dreamed of going to Paris. I think your right soo many of us artists connect to such a history. Thank you for your post it makes me save a little more for our trip that we are planning. Also I must pick your brain on where you went while you were there. The macaroons, flowers, and ballet shoes were my favorite:)

  18. Jen Jar says:

    I definitely have to go to Paris one day! And the bird dress is SO CUTE!!!

  19. Sarah Street says:

    Beautiful! Paris is one of my favorite places that I have visited.

  20. Sabrina says:

    When I dream, I dream of Paris. And you captured her SO beautifully! I haven’t shot film in Paris since 2004… but each time I see her streets in black and white it makes me want to go back with nothing but rolls of film and my camera. GORGEOUS photos, Abby! So glad y’all were able to spend more than just a day there 🙂

  21. Tammi Meade says:

    I love looking at these. It just goes to show how well you know the triangle to dial in correct exposure. To take pictures with film and have them be so perfectly exposed is art. You are truly a painter of light. Well done.

  22. Dede says:

    Loved your pictures of Paris! So artistic and capturing the “feel” of the place.
    Want to get together and hear of your adventures!

  23. Karen Allen says:

    Holy moly girl, these are stunning!!

  24. Mia Bjerring says:

    These photos are absolutely amazing! Paris is just the most amazing city! These photos made me fall in love with Paris all over again!

  25. That is SO Paris, I went there in high school with my Mom…that city is something else. You really captured everything I loved about that city! I don’t know if you went to the L’Orangerie, but if you didn’t get the chance, go when you go back!!!!

  26. Colette says:

    Incredibly beautiful! Daydreaming about Paris now *sigh*

  27. Karen Field says:

    Well, if I never get to go to Paris, I will feel as though I’ve already been. I have known you were artistic for years. When you began in photography, I realized you were an artist-in-progress. Now I know you are an artiste, to use a lovely French word (beau francais mot, missing the correct formation of the c)! A mother’s pride in seeing her only daughter living out the arts in ways I had only dreamed of for myself. It is so much more pleasurable to watch it in you. And you’re only 25 years old! (Veinte cinqe ans.) Vive la France! Vive Abby!

  28. Love the shot of the ballet shoes and the one of you beside it! Too cute!

  29. Rici says:

    Super lovely images Abby!!
    Love the one of you on the stairs in this cute dress!
    ~ Saluti.

  30. Allie says:

    Gaaah! These are gorgeous! I want to go to Paris now 🙂

  31. […] first Parisian experience last summer left me breathless, heartsick for more. The street vendors, the window displays, the […]

  32. […] I’ve stocked our frames with my favorite images from my/our Europe travels (see more here, here, and here. Oh, and you can’t miss this one)! And guys, I’m really proud of our living […]

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