When I first saw Cavin’s name pop up, it was on a webinar I was teaching last year- I can’t remember exactly what it was she asked, but I remember being impressed by her questions! So when I started seeing her name pop up in our APWWL group on Facebook (with more great questions!), I knew I needed to check out her work. And of course I fell in love- she’s a southern California wedding photographer with chic, black tie taste, so imagine how THRILLED I was when she emailed me about portraits in Paris!

Cavin & her boyfriend David were planning for an incredible multi-week throughout France, ending in the city of light. And what better way to finish with a flourish than a sunrise session at some of Paris’ most sweeping, enchanting sights?

Fun fact: don’t trust Google’s estimation of a location’s hours. Because we arranged to meet at 6:30am and Google told us our first stop would open at 7….and it turns out the actual hour the gates open was 8am. So while we waited, we whiled some of the time away by heading over to the Louvre.

Can we pause right there? Because when the Musée du Louvre is your back-up option, life is looking PRETTY good, you guys!

romantic Paris, France portraits at Musée du Louvre | Abby Grace Photography


After the Louvre, we headed over to the 16th arrondissement for a sweeping view of the Eiffel Tower… and then back to the 1st to finish up at our first spot. And it was an absolutely magical morning with these two! They’re just so much FUN together- so many laughs, never stressing about anything throughout the course of the morning.

Cavin & David, thank you both so much for choosing me to capture such a sweet time for you! It was SUCH a pleasure to have that morning with you both. You two made the jetlag and early morning so, so worth it- your photographs are some of my new favorites!! I hope you enjoy looking through these and reminiscing as much as I enjoyed capturing them all for you. xoxo

Hair & makeup: Trine Juel
Shot on a Contax 645, Canon EOS3, and and a few digitals here and there!

romantic Paris, France portraits at Musée du Louvre | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Musée du Louvre | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Palais-Royal | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Palais-Royal | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Palais-Royal | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits on the Seine | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Pont de Bir-Hakeim | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Palais-Royal | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Pont de Bir-Hakeim | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits on the Seine | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Palais-Royal | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Musée du Louvre | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Pont de Bir-Hakeim | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Pont de Bir-Hakeim | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Musée du Louvre | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Palais-Royal | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Musée du Louvre | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Palais-Royal | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Palais-Royal | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Pont de Bir-Hakeim | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Musée du Louvre | Abby Grace Photography romantic Paris, France portraits at Palais-Royal | Abby Grace Photography

romantic Paris, France portraits at Musée du Louvre | Abby Grace Photography

David & Cavin | Paris, France couples portraits

June 20, 2017

  1. These are gorgeous!!!

  2. These are beyond perfect!!

  3. Cavin Elizabeth says:

    Thank you Abby! We had a wonderful time with you 🙂

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