I’m not usually one to rave about the taste of coffee- I prefer tea, when it comes to actually enjoyment of the thing itself, but I really do like the ritual of coffee. But then I tried cold-brew coffee last summer and it changed my view, at least on the “iced” side of things.

Cold brew coffee is coffee that’s been- you guessed it- brewed with cold water instead of hot. The result is a super smooth finish without the bitter aftertaste you normally get with iced coffee. It’s the perfect drink on hot summer days! Recently, I’ve been replacing my morning cup of [insert hot beverage of choice] with this concoction! And because Trader Joe’s now sells cold brew in bottles, I can have it any time I want! The other alternative was to a) make it myself, which takes 12-18 hours, or 2) go to the coffee shop on Bald Head Island (7 hours away), which is pretty much the only other place I could find it.

Paleo-friendly cold brew iced coffee recipe- Abby Grace

In order to make a Paleo-friendly serving of this deliciousness for yourself, all you need is:

  • 1 part Trader Joe’s cold brew coffee concentrate (it comes out sporadically, so if you see it, buy it!)
  • 2 parts unsweetened almond milk (also from TJ’s)
  • 1 semi-heaping teaspoon of brown sugar (or more, if you like it sweeter!)
  • 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
  • 3-4 ice cubes

Combine all of your ingredients, stir it up and enjoy. Striped straws add a certain level of cuteness, but that’s up to you.

If you don’t care about it being Paleo, just use 2% or whole milk instead with the same ratio. Feel free to sub in a different sweetener, but I LOVE using brown sugar! It gives the whole thing a little bit richer of a flavor. I imagine you could also throw in some chocolate syrup to make it more like an iced mocha! Too bad Hershey’s Syrup isn’t Paleo.

Paleo-friendly cold-brew iced coffee!

July 15, 2014

  1. I make this same stuff! I also add in some mocha protein powder and blend it together with unsweetened coconut milk and the sugar – it makes it taste like a mocha milkshake. It’s pretty divine. Whole Foods also has the cold brewed iced coffee from time to time if you have one nearby! 🙂

  2. Jean says:

    Sounds delicious. Wish we had a Trader Joes here. I would love that cold brew concentrate!

  3. yum! I love Iced Coffee – i’ll have to try this kind from Trader Joes when we are in the US next week! : )

  4. Lisa Wright says:

    I agree TJ’s cold brew is amazing, however, if you want to make cold brew at home in 30 minutes (yes, 30), Cuisinart makes an amazing cold brewer that has permanently satisfied my cold brew cravings.

    Thank you for the recipe, looks delish.

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