Us wedding photographers have heard it all too often- the casual remark about how we don’t do much of anything except lavish our time away with brides and grooms at fancy parties, how easy our job must be, how we must get paid an awful lot for not doing very much. Those sorts of offhand remarks used to push me to Level 10 rage/indignation, but I’ve learned to laugh them off because I know they don’t usually come from a malicious place, just a misguided perception! I have the BEST job in the world, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything! But I thought we’d take today to debunk a few Wedding Photographer Myths. 🙂

#1: “Oh, you’re a wedding photographer! So you only work weekends? That must be really nice!”

Negatory. On weeks where I have weddings, I actually work Monday-Friday in my office, and THEN shoot a wedding on Saturday, and then I spend time culling my images on Sunday. My time during the week is spent doing a myriad of other tasks: editing, uploaded, backing up my images, blogging, maintaining my social media, marketing, submitting for publication, filing taxes, logging mileage, ordering prints, client emails, prepping my equipment, attending educational opportunities, etc. etc.
Myths about wedding photographers- Abby Grace Photography

#2: “You charge $4,000 for nine hours of coverage? So you’re making almost $450/hour. That’s more than I make as a lawyer.” (paraphrased from an actual email I received)

I WISH it were that simple :). For every 8- to 10-hour wedding day, there are approximately 40-60 hours of work that goes on behind the scenes. Keep in mind we’ve already shot an engagement session, meaning I’ve traveled to, photographed, edited, blogged and backed up that session. Then for the wedding day, I spend time working on the schedule with my bride weeks beforehand, emailing with necessary parties (i.e. bride, planner), arranging for a second shooter, paying that second shooter, prepping my equipment, traveling to the wedding, photographing the wedding, culling, editing, backing up those images, blogging it, advertising it on social media, uploading it to galleries, prepping their flash drive, traveling to the post office, album design and print fulfillments. And then there’s the wear and tear on my equipment- part of being a professional means having top of the line equipment. Last year I purchased a brand new 5dmk3 because it was what I felt I needed in order to do my BEST job while shooting, and the price of the camera body alone was almost as much as a single wedding package.

Oh, and let’s not forget that after I’ve paid Uncle Sam all of his necessary dues, I’m only taking home roughly half of what I bring in for the year. So if I’m hoping to average $50K in salary, I need to gross $100K. Yeah, I know, my palms just started to sweat too.


#3. “Anyone can take professional wedding pictures if you have a nice enough camera.” (My husband was told this exact sentiment last week)

Negatory again! Anyone can take photoss at a wedding, yes. But to be skilled enough to be able to call yourself a professional, there’s a lot more required than just the latest Canon or Nikon DSLR. You need a thorough working knowledge of how a wedding day typically works- walking in to shoot a wedding with no previous experience means you won’t know to anticipate things a seasoned veteran knows to look for- that when her dad first walks into her bridal suite once she’s dressed, it’s a moment you shouldn’t miss. That turning off the overhead lighting in a bridal suite will help avoid yellow tinting on a white gown. That those little “in between” moments between the groom and his grandmother during family formals are just as, maybe even more precious than the family photo itself. That having more than just a kit lens really does matter, that knowing the ins and outs of your equipment allows you to make better, more informed choices according to where you are (i.e a dark church doesn’t often pair very well with a 55-200 lens that only stops down to f/3.5). And then there are things like liability/equipment insurance, professional demeanor and business etiquette that a seasoned veteran will be all too familiar with, things an “uncle with a camera” simply won’t know they need.

Myths about wedding photographers- Abby Grace Photography

#4. “So if wedding season runs April through November, I guess it’s party party party from December-March!”

Nope! The “off-season,” if we can call it that, is when we wedding photographers catch up on alllll the stuff we couldn’t get done during wedding season itself. That involves album design, website overhauls, investing in workshops, equipment maintenance, purchasing new equipment, marketing marketing marketing, meeting with new/potential clients for the next year, the list goes on. This January has actually been one of the most busy months I’ve had since leaving my corporate job last June!

Myths about wedding photographers- Abby Grace Photography

#5. “Wedding photography’s like a free profession- once you have your equipment, it’s not like you have to PAY to do your job.”

This thought was actually directly from me before I had any idea what owning a small business entailed. Oh, how woefully wrong I was! I didn’t take into account just how much it takes to run a business- insurance, file storage, materials, packaging, attorney fees to make sure my contract is iron-clad, spoiling my clients with gifts, shipping supplies, website design, office space, and all the other fees that pop up here and there. And I have no idea how much I anticipated it would cost to furnish my equipment list, but last year I spent something like $15K alone on camera equipment. Yeah, not a free profession by a long shot. To whomever I said the aforementioned sentiment to, thank you for not laughing in my face.

Myths about wedding photographers- Abby Grace Photography

I’m so thankful to have a family that loves and supports me in what I do, and it’s been so good for me to learn how to answer these sorts of remarks with patience and good humor!

Happy Wednesday!

MythBusters: Wedding Photographer edition

January 23, 2013

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I love this post, Abby! It is super informative… I don’t know a lot of this stuff!

  2. Jean says:

    It’s wonderful that you love your profession so much, and that you were able to follow your dreams! Keep that great spirit of love, honesty and humor, and it will take you far. Great blog!

  3. Hollie says:

    Such a great post, Abby! It’s not easy or cheap! 🙂

  4. Jessica Fike says:

    Great post, Abby! Some of these myths make me terribly angry, but I must remember that we should educate instead of getting emotional! I might do a similar post on my blog in the near future so we can continue to educate! 🙂

  5. Bethany says:

    Loved this post! It’s nice getting to hear some of the behind-the-scene things that go into the photography profession (especially wedding photography!)

  6. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    This is fabulous – there is SO much more that goes into what we do and people are shocked when I tell them I only spend about 10% of my time behind the camera. Running a business is hard work, and it’s expensive! Thank you for helping to educate everyone out there about the truths behind what we do! 🙂

  7. Jenni says:

    Thank you for posting this information! Very helpful.

  8. So so true! I hear these ALL the time! Very frustrating, but these are great I need to work on the 5 second response to each of these!

  9. Alison Mish says:

    This is SO great!!!

  10. Carrie says:

    SOOOO true! (And I’m not even doing a quarter of what you do…pretty sure if I actually added up all the hours on the laptop I’d be more or less what I did as a waitress back in college….)

  11. Dad says:

    Although I was scared out of my mind when you started this adventure (props to my parents and inlaws) when Karen and I did something similar) I have been overjoyed at how wrong I was. We are so proud of all you have accomplished!

  12. Dad says:

    Oh and there is no way you would have been so successful without the support of your loving husband. Yeah Matt, this is a family success story! I have an awesome son in law!

  13. Urška Majer says:

    Great post, Abby! And so true! And i love those images 🙂


  15. Yuri says:

    great post, and so true. most folks forget that you’re running a business and have to deal with everything any other business owner has to handle. so glad you’re loving it!

  16. Ahhh this is great Abby. Great idea for a post! My favorite is “Anyone can take professional wedding pictures if you have a nice enough camera.” Some people just have no idea haha

  17. heather says:

    Oh so true! Great thorough post!

  18. Christine says:

    Debunking with grace. Very well put and informative to people who might be wondering just where their money goes!

  19. Sarah says:

    I love this Abby! You say it all so eloquently. Keep up the great work girlfriend!

  20. Great Post Abby! Reading it reminds me of how far I still have to go to get where you are! 🙂 But it is helpful as well! 🙂

  21. Sarah B. says:

    Wow, Abby! It’s really great to see what really goes into a wedding photography business!

  22. Love this post!!! Thanks for clarifying things for people… this might inspire me to bust a few wedding blogger myths… 😉

  23. Ashley says:

    Loved this post. While I only work with families and seniors, I can totally relate!

  24. THANK YOU. THANK YOU for writing this. You made clear what so many people don’t understand. You’re awesome.

  25. Karen Field says:

    That was the clearest expression I’ve ever heard in understanding what you’re doing all week when not behind the camera. I echo what a previous commenter said, you did it with such grace. I’m proud of you for learning how to deal with the ignorance, and may I say arrogance (think of the lawyer’s comment) of the rest of us. Obviously, for the sake of the maintaining a good business, you needed to learn these things. But I’m betting that you relied a good deal on Matt and the Lord. That’s where the grace comes from. That’s the reason for your middle name! Mom

  26. Maribel says:

    Hi Abby, thanks so much for this post. I started working with photographers to document my work, and I know how much time goes into not only shooting but editing, didn’t have a clue before that. Great post!

  27. Great way to share and educate people! You write beautiful Abby!

  28. Stephen says:

    You be knowing your stuff Gracie!

  29. ashley link says:

    oh how i wish people would just understand! haha. great post!!! love your sense of humor! 🙂

  30. […] I’d like to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone that read, shared, and Pinned the “Mythbusters: Wedding Photographer Edition” post last week. I had a record high number of hits on my blog last Wednesday! You guys […]

  31. Rhiannon says:

    This is amazing. Just amazing. I think I need to write my own version of this post applicable to wedding planning and design as a full time profession. It’s so frustrating when people assume they know what we do and how easy it must be. Kudos to you for putting so much thought into this, Abby! I hope everyone gets a chance to read this at some point. Happy day, friend xoxo

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