I think, if I ever retire from wedding photography, I’m going to take up as job as a meteorologist. After watching our weathermen and women over the past few years, I’ve decided the only apparent requirements are a) the ability to gesture at a large map-aka-green-screen behind you, 2) a general idea of the approximate season you’re currently in, and 3) a complete lack of abashedness when you predict 5 inches of snow and the entire region prepares for the worst [snow trucks on the highway, school closings, the works], only to wake up in the morning and find the same bare ground that was there when you went to bed. I think I’ve got a pretty good chance of making it! I just need to work on building my stash of cheesy precipitation-related jokes.

This weekend was one of the best Matt & I have ever had. It was one of those few, rare treats, two days where we had almost nothing urgent to do, so we spent a lot of time curled up on the couch watching old episodes of White Collar (my newest obsession- we watched all six seasons of LOST last year, one right after the other, and I shudder to think of how impatient I’d had been if we’d had to wait a week in between each episode like everyone else!). My thoughts lately have been strangely peppered with suspicions of bank heists and art thefts. Weird.

As always, things that happened over the weekend!

  • We’re trying this new thing of letting Lily sleep in our room instead on holed up in her crate. We don’t want her sleeping on our bed though, because Matt’s already pretty tall and I move around a lot, so we bought her this cute little puppy bed cushion thing. She still seems to prefer our Tempur-Pedic, which means surprise wake-ups due to Lily landing on my head in the middle of the night. We’re still working on it…
  • Last night I learned that we shouldn’t run the washing machine overnight, because it makes loud thumping noises every few minutes, leading my overly-paranoid self to believe we’re the target of an in-home invasion. Matt made a trip downstairs with a 9 iron to make sure everything was fine… and it was.
  • I’ve started doing all of my client meetings at our home, which is a huge stress-reliever in some respects (for example, I no longer have to worry about showing up to Starbucks an hour early to reserve a seat for the couple and myself), and then a stress multiplier in other respects (“Matt!! Why aren’t any of the Pinot glasses clean? I NEED THE PINOT GLASSES!”). All I know is that I have the best husband in the world to calm me down when I’m stressing over whether or not I have enough varieties of cheese to choose from.

Also, I’d like to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone that read, shared, and Pinned the “Mythbusters: Wedding Photographer Edition” post last week. I had a record high number of hits on my blog last Wednesday! You guys rock :).

Aaaand one more sneak peek of the styled shoot I previewed last week!

Happy Monday!

Monday Mash-Up

January 28, 2013

  1. Alison Mish says:

    Mike and I are obsessed with White Collar! We watched everything Netflix had to offer on White Collar in three weeks this past December! It’s so addicting! And we just recently started letting Elly sleep with us. She’s so little that she just kinda stays curled up in a little ball at the foot of our bed. And YAY for doing client meetings at home 🙂 Can’t wait to see what your new office looks like!

  2. Michelle says:

    Tyler and I watched all the White Collar on Netflix not too long ago and became addicted! We were impatiently waiting for the next season when I got an iTunes gift card for Christmas and we downloaded everything from the current season. New episodes just started and it’s a weekly battle waiting for a time when we can both watch it together. It is sooo good!!

    Good luck keeping Lily out of bed! I actually move so much in my sleep the our dogs don’t like the snuggle with us at night; once the lights go out they hop down and pick one of the 3 dog beds that we keep in our room for them.

  3. Jean says:

    Glad you and Matt had a nice weekend. The photos look intriguing!

  4. We LOVE White Collar! Some of our close friends got us hooked a while back and it’s such an awesome show! Also, Chad loves the men’s attire in the show (Neal Caffrey has amazing fashion sense). 🙂

  5. Blythe K says:

    love these sneak peeks! I cannot wait to see the entire shoot! 🙂

  6. Sarah B. says:

    Awe – I wish I could have an in-home meeting with you – that sounds so fun!! 😀 You are so good to your clients!

  7. Rhiannon says:

    This post is full of so much goodness, Abby! I’m now inspired to let Zoe sleep in our room overnight too because even though we snuggle with her at night on our bed we always have to remove her back down in her crate before we both drift off to sleep. Funny enough I mention this in tomorrow’s post! Also, I’m off to read your MythBusters post. I can’t wait to see what it says 🙂

  8. Dad says:

    Meteorology, the only job where 30% = Success

  9. Tina Raquel says:

    Not to burst your bubble, but meteorology is actually a crazy hard job! lol ( I work for a news station) they are super smart, with degrees in science, math, technology and many of them have masters. They work harder than most people I know and they’re awesome at it! 🙂 btw – I love to read your fun posts like this.

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