Good MORNING! Or… good afternoon, evening or good night, depending on when you read this. As for me, it’s 9 am and I’m at a cozy little coffee shop in Great Falls after just having finished up an engagement session. I got too excited to wait until I’m home to post a preview, so here we are! I’ve had a whirlwind of a weekend and have a whirlwind of a week ahead of me, but it’s all the best kind of chaos. My brother is getting MARRIED this Saturday! We’re leaving for Bald Head Island on Thursday and I’ll be attempting my first effort at playing both the role of photographer and bridesmaid. We’ll see how this works out…

As always, lessons learned/things that transpired over the past week:

  • I thought we’d moved past the “eat/chew everything I see” phase with Lily, but then I discovered one of my pearl earrings was missing from my nightstand. Needless to say, she’s no longer allowed in our room.
  • I learned a new term for “model faces” on Saturday! Several of Jay’s groomsmen are from Tennessee, so when I asked them to drop their smiles, they told me the proper term was “mean muggin’.” I will henceforth be using this term at every wedding ever.
  • Yesterday I had the joy of assisting the beautiful Laura Gordon at one of her weddings- SO much fun! Laura’s a blast to be around and as she moves more and more toward shooting film exclusively, her work becomes increasingly more breathtaking with each shoot. I was there rolling film and helping her switch out cameras and it was really good for me to see how and when she uses each throughout the day. It got me excited for shooting more film with each of my couples!
  • Can I just say that as much as I love getting up early, I’m REALLY appreciating the later sunrise times. It means that when I shoot sunrise e-sessions, I only have to get up at 5, as opposed to my 3:30-4:00 wake-ups I was doing during the summer.
  • This morning I nearly threw up when I watched my 50 1.2 slip out of my cold, shriveled hands and bounce down two very large (very solid) rocks at Great Falls. Especially when I remembered the lens didn’t have a filter on it because I’d recently taken it off for some  reason. God is MERCIFUL though, because when I picked up the lens with trembling hands, it was fine but for a few nicks and dings in the casing. I was expecting the glass to be completely shattered, but it was unblemished and in total worked order. Praise the LORD for that!
  • I’ve recently discovered wedge heels. Yes, I realize they’ve been around for quite some time, but as someone who doesn’t wear heels often I’ve never actually owned a pair until a week ago. Now they’re my favorite shoes in my closet! Heads up: Target has some cute taupe wedges for $30. Holla!

And look! A preview of Jarrod & Abby’s sunrise e-session from this morning! I LOVE THEM.

Great Falls engagement photo session

Happy Monday!

Monday Mash-Up

October 8, 2012

  1. Lauren says:

    Can’t wait to see the rest of these photos!!! 🙂

  2. Dani says:

    Mean muggin! Oh wow, that is awesome! And holy cow about the 50! I would have been in tears! And then happy tears! Happy Monday!

  3. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    What a gorgeous sneak peek!! Were you on the Maryland side or the Virginia side?! I was on the MD side on Saturday! So glad your 50 is ok!!

  4. Jean says:

    Love the picture. Sorry about your lens. I know you must have panicked big time!

  5. Abby Johnson says:

    For the amount of throw-up that was creeping up on you, you sure kept your cool as that lens bounced down the rocks. I’m so glad it’s okay! This morning was amazing – chilly, but dare I say perfect? Or, lovely? You really know how to make un-photogenic people relaxed during a photo session – we had so much fun! Thank you again, Abby. I can’t wait to see how the rest of them turn out. 🙂

  6. molly says:

    mean muggin!! hahahahaha love it! oh man i love that photo! glad your lens is okay!!

  7. Kristin says:

    Good luck on the bridesmaid/photographer thing! Been there and it was CRAZY!! I’ve never been so exhausted and frantic! But it was lovely nonetheless.
    (And praise God on your lens is ok! *shudder*)

  8. Kerith says:

    Unbelievable morning shot! That is such an amazing expression of love!

    Also- Onyx still chews things… like Acorns. And then throws them up on my floor at 3 a.m. So we now have baby gates to keep her penned into common areas. Maybe gate off your rooms?

  9. Rici says:

    I sooo love the term mean muggin! Wow you learn sth new every day 😉
    Totally understand the panic attack as your 50 slipped down. WOW how amazing is that? Not hurt?? that is sooo nice! Once my 50 slipped out of my hand in Tuscany and that was the one and only time my Spanish roomy heard me swear in German…
    Have a great weeK!

  10. Kelley says:

    I was at a wedding yesterday where the photography team dropped equipment during the ceremony. Also shot a lot of flash while the ceremony was going on. It was an old wood church so everything reverberated. I was a little annoyed by the distractions, but perhaps there’s no real happy medium between getting “real” shots and taking way too long for photos between the ceremony and reception (i.e. reenacting for photos)

    Interested in your thoughts. Based on this experience, I wouldn’t recommend that particular team. (I did recommend you but they’d already hired someone. See, they should have listened to me!)

  11. Rhiannon says:

    First of all, thank the Lord your lens is OK. I got nervous for you just reading that, you poor thing. You sure are blessed, friend. Secondly, I’m not sure when you changed up your blog but it’s gorgeous and so so perfect! I’m so proud of you 🙂 xoxo

  12. Lena says:

    So cannot wait for you to shoot film at my wedding, well to shoot my wedding at all ahhhh 🙂 and with the Lily thing, the chewing stage does go away eventually, there is hope!!

  13. Heather says:

    Thank you so much for all of your help this weekend with Laura. It was so much fun meeting you and I cannot wait for the photos! God bless 🙂

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