Hey friends! I know Monday/Tuesday Mash-Ups are normally pretty lighthearted and fun, but can we go a bit deeper today? We have several friends who are dealing with health struggles right now and I can’t really muster up the gumption to write a whippy, comical blog post right now.

It’s not my intention to be a Debbie Downer- I just know how powerful prayer is, so if you’re the praying type, I’d love to ask you lift up a few of my friends. I hope that’s ok! And if not, just skip on over this post and come back tomorrow!

First, our friend Christopher is literally a walking miracle. Christopher is 16 and attends church with us, along with his mom and sister. He went in for a routine sinus exam last week and somehow, the doctors found a tumor at the base of his skull. Lass than 24 hours later, he was in the OR for brain surgery to remove the tumor. The cost of surgery alone is unbelievable, let alone for a single mom, so if you feel like reading more of his story and possibly contributing to his medical fund, you can find additional info on the GoFundMe page set up for the family!

Next, my friend Katelyn blogged about her story a few days ago, and today’s the day for her surgery. Right now we’re praying for her doctors and any anxiety, and for an easy, stress-free recovery. And that Baby Alsop would be safe until her due date in just a few weeks!

Third, we have so many friends who are right alongside us in the infertility struggle. And while it’s comforting to know we’re not alone, it’s also crushing to know so many of my sweet girlfriends are aching for a baby as well. I have four specific friends we’ve been praying daily for, and my hope is that within the next year, all four of them will become new moms.

Lastly, we have our first appointment with an endocrinologist today. And honestly, I’m excited. I’m excited because hopefully, this means we’ll find answers and can stop berating ourselves over why we haven’t managed to become parents yet!

But part of me is also really nervous to share that. I feel like, in the past, I’ve done a really good job of balancing personal & professional here on this blog… and this feels like it may be tipping the scale a bit in the “personal” department. But I’m kind of ok with that- I mean, I am a human being after all, right? 🙂

Happy Tuesday, friends!

An unusual Tuesday Mash-Up

January 17, 2017

  1. Praying, praying, praying for everyone in this post and for you too, Abby!!

  2. Jillian Schweitzer says:

    Sending love and all the best wishes to ya’ll (and everyone listed!)

  3. Mindy Mullen says:

    Abby, THANK YOU for your honest/transparent post. I will certainly be praying for you and all of your friends in their struggles. There is no black/white line between personal and professional. It is definitely a gray area, and I think you have always done, and continue to do a great job with navigating this. It makes you extremely relatable and I think you should be more than okay with “tipping the scale” with this post. Sending you prayers and positive vibes on this Tuesday.

  4. Didi says:

    Hi Abby,
    Praying for you and for our mutual sweet friend Katelyn whose surgery was this morning. 🙂

  5. Alicia says:

    You are absolutely a human being and it’s always “okay” to post what’s on your heart. Keeping all of these people in our thoughts

  6. Katelyn says:

    Praying right now! We went through a while of infertility as well. I know that ache of waiting for a yes from the Lord. Praying for answers!

  7. Thinking of you Abby! We’re in the same boat. Unexplained infertility. We’ve seen specialists, and I also have thyroid problems. If you every want to chat, I’d love to. It’s tough to go through! <3

  8. Dad says:

    Your mom and I are praying and giving.

  9. Jean says:

    Praying that I will meet a new great grandchild very soon. Love you two so much. And know that you will be great parents when God sends that little bundle to you for safe keeping.

  10. Thank you so much girl. Praying for you guys. You are loved and your prayers are being heard. I know God is writing a beautiful story for you even in midst of the unknown. You’re going to be the most amazing Momma abby. I’m excited for that day. I love you.

  11. Krystle Thomas says:

    Many prayers for all of your friends and especially for you two and the infertility struggles. I’m sure there are 100k people praying for you guys because you are so wonderful but hey one more doesn’t hurt! Miss you sister.

  12. Natalie says:

    Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable! I will be praying for you and your friends!

  13. Dani says:

    Hey Abby! I know the struggle all too well that you are going through! It was my endocrinologist that gave me what I needed and 6 months later we finally had the first positive pregnancy test! We have two now! I hope this is encouraging for your first appointment! I will be praying!

  14. Alicia daw says:

    Praying for you, sweet Abby. I have some very close friends who are also battling infertility and it is just a devastating and emotional journey. Hoping thendoctors are able to give you some answers and I CAN’T WAIT to rejoice with you when you become a mama 🙂

  15. Karen aka Mom says:

    What is Christopher’s last name so we can go find his Go Fund Me page?

  16. Rici says:

    Oh Abby,

    I love prayer! it is such a strength. Thank you so much for sharing!!! :*

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