Yesterday I sent out a Tweet that said, among other things, “I am an artist.” But it was really difficult for me to use that particular word- the “A” word. I’ve always had a hard time calling myself an artist and I’m not really sure why. Maybe it’s because I don’t wear jeans with fresh paint splatter on them, or walk around with bits of clay from a potter’s wheel in my hair, or wear super trendy clothes with that careful air of neglect. I love photography, but how can I call myself an artist when there are so many other people doing the exact same thing that I do? I know my work should speak for itself, but I so often feel like I’m selling ME, my personality, my brand, that I feel more like a PR person with a camera than an artist.

And then I started thinking about when the last time was that I shot a session purely for the fun of it, with no thoughts of getting it published, blogging it, receiving praise from other people for it. Well, I CAN”T remember the last time I did that. I’ve been so busy with everything else that I’ve forgotten what it feels like to to create art purely for the sake of my joy. And you know what takes me to that happy place? Film. The wind of the lever, the click of the shutter, that beautiful grain you just can’t get with a digital camera.

So I’m taking some time this weekend to shoot a bit of film photography. For myself. Because it makes happy. And whether or not you’re a photographer, a potter, a painter, a poet, or a professor, I encourage you to do the same in whatever capacity hits that sweet spot. Take time away from your typical daily routine and do something for YOU. To rejeuvenate your mind and refresh your soul. Because no matter how much you love your job (and trust that I LOVE my job!), we all need time for just… us.

Sea and Aster air plant

Happy Thursday!

I’m an… artist?

March 22, 2012

  1. Jenny says:

    I love this… for so many reasons! For me, I have to continually build into my life and schedule opportunities to be creative just for me. Love that you are getting time to do this too 🙂

  2. Love this post Abby! It’s so easy to get caught up in everything it takes to run a business that we loose touch with that drive/spark/desire that really made us pursue photography in the first place! Have fun and I can’t wait to see your film pictures!

  3. AH! Do we still get to see the film you shoot just for fun?!?!?! It may not be for work and you may feel like getting praise for it takes away from the aspect of it being just for you. All that being said, you ARE an artist! Sure there are other photographers but there is only one YOU! I couldn’t replicate your images, I could try, but I would fail. Thanks for being such an inspiration and have fun this weekend with your film:-)

  4. Jean Hensley says:

    Enjoy your fun photo shoot this weekend. Same thing happens with me and quilting. I have deadlines on things I need to do and it’s not often that I have time to do something really original and “me”. Some folks say that quilting is an art, for me it’s a great outlet and something I love to do. To me you are an artist with your camera!

  5. Love this! It’s crazy that as we advance in this career we stop taking time to shoot for ourselves… the very reason we got into this in the first place!

  6. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    Amen and amen!! Seriously – I was with a couple yesterday and the guy asked if I ever get out and shoot for fun, other than people stuff, and sadly I was like, “Yeah… no not really.” Thanks for the inspiration! I love film 🙂 I also LOVE that plant in your picture – WHAT IS THAT?! I want one.

  7. So true!!! Ahh – what kind of film camera do you have!?!!?

  8. Christine says:

    Love this! I might have to find a studio around here that will develop larger format film. I have two plastic lens Holga cameras from college and rolls upon rolls of film! I love images from a Holga. Silly that it is considered a “toy” camera.

    Thanks as always for the wonderful artistic and personal inspiration your blogs bring everyday! I look forward to my morning routine checking what you have for us. 🙂

  9. McCall Doyle says:

    You’re definitely an artist! It’s true that anyone with decent equipment and practice can take a good picture, but it’s capturing the essence of the person, or the angle and color depth of an object, in a special way, that makes one an artist.

    I used to bring my camera everywhere and spend every party, every holiday, every occasion…snapping tons of pics. Since I started a business, I rarely bring my camera anywhere for fun. My friends who used to tease me miss all their photo ops for Facebook. 🙂

  10. Melissa says:

    So true! Lovely post. (I also have one of the hanging terrariums, and I LOVE it!)

  11. Great post! And an artist you are!

  12. Currie says:

    Like like like

  13. Joe says:

    It’s funny how just a change in the recording format can completely change your view of what you are shooting. Nothing is better than doing that than shooting with film. I really think these personal projects are what develop us as photographers. It’s hard to be creative beyond what we are comfortable with when we are shooting for paying customers.

  14. jamie says:

    thanks abby for the reminder to shoot for fun! what film camera do you shoot with? i would love to learn film!

  15. Laura Gordon says:

    Girl! I needed to hear this! I can’t remember when I did either… thank you for reminding me to take time for me 🙂

  16. […] last week when I blogged about needing to take time to shoot for me? OH MY GOSH IT WORKED. My stunning photographer friend […]

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