My desk is currently awash in tissue paper, foldable paper boxes, gray ribbon, scissors, double stick tape and stationery, so I figured today was as good a day as any to do another one of these posts. I bet y’all had thought I’d run out of ways to talk about myself, didn’tcha? FOOLED. YOU.

1. I will only eat smushed grilled cheese sandwiches. This involves taking a spatula and flattening the sandwich while it’s still in the pan- it makes it more crispy, thus more delicious. And that’s a scientific fact.

2. My family lived in Orlando for 3-4 years when I was little while my parents attended seminary, so when we finally moved back to Virginia, I had no idea what a change of seasons looked like. Therefore, myself and my brothers did the only logical thing we could think of on the first day of Fall: we dressed in heavy outwear [coats, boots, scarves] and tromped outside, expecting frigid temperatures and falling leaves….only to find that it was still 70 degrees out.

3. I get SUPER weepy when Christmas music comes on right after Thanksgiving- I guess I’m just so happy that it’s Christmas time again that I cry? Whatever it is, it’s embarrassing to be driving along and then break out in tears when something cheery like Sleigh Ride comes on.

4. I will NOT write with blue ink pens. I won’t do it! It has to be black ink. Either that or a pencil.

5. I’m not the only one who collected Polly Pockets, right?

6. I’m convinced that the “Lick ‘a ‘stix” included with Fun Dip are really just long, white Tums.

7. My mom and dad never did Santa with us- mom’s thing was that she didn’t want to lie to her children. THANKS FOR RUINING MY CHILDHOOD.

8. If we’re ever fortunate enough to build our own home, mark my words: it WILL have a secret passage. I read a lot of Nancy Drew books in fifth grade.

9. I really and truly enjoy the smell of gasoline. And home garages! My Granny & Pawpaw’s garage smells sooo good.

10. I’m a memories hoarder (which is probably why I’m a photographer). I saved every single corsage from every single school dance and still have all of my old dresses hanging in the closet at my parents’ house. And I’ve saved every letter and Post-It note Matt’s ever given me because “our grandchildren will want to read them! We have to have something for them to cherish when we’re old and wrinkly!”

And because every post is better with a photo, here are those photos from the trip Matt and I took to a corn maze. Those ones I completely forgot to share? Whoops.

Temple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace Photography

Thank you, random stranger who offered to take our photo!

Temple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace Photography

Holy SOW, that pig it huge.

Temple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace PhotographyTemple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace Photography

Matt playing a solitary game of tetherball.

Temple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace PhotographyTemple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace Photography

He’s going to kill me for posting this.

Temple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace Photography

Just in case it wasn’t painfully obvious by the tiny little cow seats that this ride was designed for small children, here are all our fellow passengers!

Temple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace PhotographyTemple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace PhotographyTemple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace PhotographyTemple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace PhotographyTemple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace Photography

This is Matt’s “Can I go now?” smile. And this is my “WE’RE AT A CORN MAZE!” smile.

Temple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace Photography

Ok, so I’m a believer in NOT CHEATING. The corn maze had paths that were laid out by the maze designers, then there were paths cut by cheating McCheaters. I like to refer to them as “rogue paths.” This is Matt attempting to take a rogue path and me refusing to follow. Because I, unlike SOME, abide by the rules.

Temple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace PhotographyAnd then we saw a peacock?

Temple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace PhotographyTemple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace PhotographyTemple Hall Corn Maze, Leesburg VA- Abby Grace Photography

Happy Friday!

Even more things you probably didn’t know

December 14, 2012

  1. Lindsey says:

    How fun!! These pictures are so cute – you two make the cutest couple 🙂


  2. Rebekah Carter says:

    I loved Nancy Drew books too. I think I have all but one of he original 56 at my parents’ house & I still read one occasionally just for old times’ sake. My parents never really did much Santa stuff w/ us either & I never felt like I missed out. I don’t want to lie to my kids either so I’ve pondered not doing Santa stuff w/ them either when we have kids someday. Maybe that is a bad idea? I don’t know. Even as a kid, I just never saw much point in Santa.

  3. Anna K. says:

    My parents didn’t tell us about Santa either!!! I was that kid that went to school and told everyone he wasn’t real, woopsies!

  4. Lena says:

    No Santa! Ahh so sad, but on a good note, smushed grill chesses are out of this world!

  5. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    You and Matt are SO adorable! I love that picture of the two of you! Also, #5 – I am convinced that I have the largest polly pocket collection known to man… or woman… seriously. I’m still proud of it and have kept ALL of them! We should have a playdate sometime. Just sayin’…

  6. Breanna says:

    So I just found your blog last week, and I already feel like we are friends :). I had a whole village of Polly Pockets! I’m sad that they don’t make them so little any more. It’s just not the same. Hope you are enjoying a beautiful holday afternoon!

  7. Sarah B. says:

    I also collected Polly Pockets – in fact, I still have them! 😀

    You and I are meant to be friends – I would not cheat at a corn maze either!!

    And also, you are so stinking cute! I love the outfit!!

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