Phoenix, AZ ballerina photographs with Peyton | by Abby Grace


With COVID-19 keeping us all at home, I’m playing a bit of catch-up with my blog- firstly, because it’s time. And secondly, because I think ALL of us could use a few doses of pretty in our lives right now! This girl is quickly becoming one of my favorite muses. Peyton’s a ballerina with the […]

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Phoenix ballerina portraits

March 26, 2020

DC ballerina portraits at National Cathedral | Abby Grace


Natalie might be my ballerina spirit animal. The fact that she came prepared with black pointe shoes without prompting, and the first look she put together for our shoot, it was PERFECT. Couple that with her reading my mind when she suggested National Cathedral as the backdrop, and it made for some of my favorite […]

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DC ballerina portraits | Natalie

September 17, 2019

Fine art floral ballerina shoot | Abby Grace Photography


Have you ever had an idea, but been afraid to execute it for fear that it won’t live up to your expectations? That was this shoot for me. I’d been dreaming of photographing a ballerina dripping in florals for a looong time, but kept putting it off because I was afraid I’d disappoint everyone involved, […]

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A floral ballerina | Fine art ballet portraits

August 16, 2019

Paris ballerina session | Abby Grace Photography


Meeting Natalie was totally by chance- we bumped into her while shooting at one of my favorite spots in Paris and ended up connecting with her sweet mama Ashley, and I mentioned that if they were still in town once we were back in the city after The Signature Atelier that I’d love to shoot […]

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Paris ballerina portraits | Natalie

May 24, 2019

Grab the 9 Brand Photo Archetypes shot list download, so that you never run out of ideas on set and can approach every session with a strategic PLAN.

Ever feel like Elsa and freeze up during a shoot?

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