Thank goodness for photographer friends who are willing to indulge my whims! This past April I was in the car with Emily & Jess driving back from a girls’ weekend in Charleston, and about 30 minutes from home we passed a section of the road that ran alongside fields of bluebells, and I exclaimed “STOP THE CAR!” It was like something out of a dreamland- tree-covered meadows of bluebells on either side of the road. I asked if Emily might be willing to come back the next day with Henry & Lou- I don’t normally photograph little ones, but I knew I needed capture SOMEONE in those fields of blue flowers.
Lucky for me, Emily graciously agreed get herself and the twins dressed up, and we trekked back out to the fields of wildflowers to shoot a few rolls of film, just for the sheer joy of capturing the connection between Emily and her babies in such a beautiful place. I loved the challenge of photographing a dynamic (motherhood) that I’m not accustomed to capturing!
Emily, thank you so much for being willing to let me photograph you three! It was such a joy to see your sweetness with Lou & Henry, and to witness how much you delight in your children. You are such a good mama, friend! Big hugs to all three of you.
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