I had this list when I started my photography business, it was written on a series of 4-5 yellow Post-It notes, written in the confines of the office where I worked at the time. I had a list of what I’d deemed “attainable” goals, and then another list of what I referred to as my “yeah right” goals. As in, “yeah right, that’ll NEVER happen.”

And you know what? I’ve checked off every. single. one of those “yeah right” goals.

Stamford, England wedding photographer- Abby Grace Photography

We talked a couple weeks ago about how I’m an optimistic realist- I like hoping for the best, but I also deplore the crushing despair of dreams that never came true, so I try to keep my hopes grounded on something solid. I’ll never tell a someone to reach for something I absolutely know they’re not capable of (i.e. encouraging someone who’s tone deaf to pursue a degree in music), because I don’t want to pump them full of hot air, only to be let down HARD when that balloon deflates. Instead, I’d rather encourage them in an area I know they’re absolutely capable in, to see them FLY as they maximize on their strengths and gifts!

The longer I do this, the more I realize that my purpose isn’t photography-specific; my purpose is PEOPLE-specific, and photography is the vessel that I use to serve people. And I think keeping that perspective in mind, it makes the whole business of goal-seeking a lot easier, because I know that if I don’t speak at THAT conference, or shooting a wedding in THAT country, I am not a failure. Because I’m still serving people, still working toward the vision my business is founded on, and THAT is where the success comes from.

Annapolis wedding and anniversary photographer- Abby Grace

All that being said, I think goals are awesome! And I think taking the time to craft a list of “attainables” and “yeah rights” is really healthy, because when you look back in five years, it will blow your mind all the items you’ll be able to cross off. And it’ll also blow your mind all the things you’ll be able to laugh at, because they’ll no longer matter to you! One of the goals on my list from 2011 was “create the next ‘big’ pose.” Like the whole “holding a wedding detail in your cupped hands, and cropping the shot from shoulder to hip.” That was big in 2011-2012, and I wanted to be the author of whatever the next cupped-hands-shot was going to be. These days, I couldn’t care less about that! Why? Because it’s a fame-seeking goal, not a creativity- or people-seeking goal.

DC ballerina photographer- Abby Grace

Here we go! First, my list of “attainables,” or things that’s aren’t totally ridiculous to hope for:

  1. Secret project #1 (you’ll find out about these this fall and winter!)
  2. Shoot in Europe again this year!
  3. Continue teaching the A Practical Wedding Workshop series
  4. Purchase a new back-up camera body
  5. Have a full wedding published in print
  6. Sell a select number of my fine art Europe prints in an online shop
  7. Learn how to shoot in-studio, to expand my ballerina work
  8. Start playing with film again at weddings
  9. Have a new anniversary session done with my own hubs 🙂
  10. Find a business coach

And then my “yeah right” goals!

  1. Secret project #2
  2. Have my work featured on the cover of a magazine (you can laugh, it’s ok!)
  3. Teach a photography workshop in France
  4. Book a wedding at Lake Como, Italy
  5. Book an Anniversary Experience session in Salzburg, Austria
  6. Speak yearly at conferences for creatives, but only with the right intentions. Continue working at keeping my pride out of the equation
  7. Photograph Keenan Kampa (I grew up dancing at the same studio as Keenan! SHE’S AMAZING)
  8. Photograph a wedding designed by Hey Gorgeous Events

Chianti, Italy wedding and anniversary photographer- Abby Grace

So there you have it! My crazy, audacious goals. I’d love to hear yours, too!

Big Goals

May 13, 2015

  1. 7. Learn how to shoot in-studio, to expand my ballerina work

    I can help with that.

  2. Wendy Wade says:

    Hello… you TOTALLY got that. And I’m happy to watch you soar to new heights. You’re constantly amazing me! 🙂

  3. Jean says:

    You are amazing and your granny is so proud of you.

  4. Shalese says:

    Oh, Abby. I love your honesty, your aspirations, and the fact that you were able to cross off so many goals that SEEMED audacious at the time. You gave me some soul fuel to keep pushing today. 🙂

  5. Alicia says:

    Abby, your “yeah right” goals are absolutely attainable for the talent you have!! Look how much you’ve done already — I can’t wait to see your work on a cover and be like “I KNOW HER” (reminiscent of Buddy the Elf)!

  6. One of my favorite things about you is your honesty. I absolutely love what you said about not worrying about speaking at a conference or shooting in a different country, as long as you are still serving people. It’s such an admirable stance in this industry. Also, those “Yeah, Right” goals are totally attainable! When you launch that workshop in France, sign me up!!! <3

  7. I love this. And thanks for the challenge— it’s been a LONG TIME since I dreamed up a “yeah right” list for myself for business and photography. In fact, I think it was before Buck and I started dating, which is almost 3 years ago. It’s time to make that list again. Thanks so much… I really needed this.

  8. […] by Abby Grace’s blog post the other day on goals, I decided to write down my own set of goals for myself and my […]

  9. […] and second nature had taken a back seat. This realization began the previous week, when my friend Abby posted about her Big Goals. Her post reminded me that there’s a difference between dreaming and planning, and for the […]

  10. Emily says:

    Oh my gosh you know Keenan Kampa too?!?! Small world!! We were in the same homeschool group growing up! She is so fantastic!!

  11. […] what else is crazy? Getting to check off an item on my list of big goals- I’m going back to France this summer! With an Anniversary Experience session in Paris and a […]

  12. […] poolside.” But it IS a big deal for me! Remember when I named this particular goal back in this post in May? This was my first full wedding print feature and I’m going to celebrate hard over […]

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