If you’re a wedding photographer, you know exactly what I’m talking about: you’ve spent the entire day before on your feet, running around photographing a gorgeous wedding day, and then morning comes. You open your eyes, wondering why on earth your spine feels like you slept with a barbell on your back. Sitting up, rubbing your bleary, sleepy eyes, you find that there’s a dull throbbing coming from your brain. And then, as you swing your legs over the side of the bed and stand up, the soles of your feet cry out in protest as pain shoots up your calves.

We’ve all been there, amIright? You know I am.

Over the past three-four years of shooting weddings, I’ve found recipes for assured success, and recipes for undoubted disaster. In order to avoid feeling like you played a football game with a bunch of 350-lb linebackers the morning after a wedding, I suggest considering some of the following tips:

1) Hydrate. Yep, super simple, but so helpful! This past year Matt started packing ice-filled coolers for me to bring to weddings, stocked with several Gatorades and several water bottles. Part of my second shooter’s job throughout the day is to run back to the car to grab liquids for us both so that we’re both making sure to stay hydrated.

2) Make sure you eat! Also in that cooler that Matt packs are several Luna bars. I typically eat two of those throughout the day in addition to dinner during the reception. Typically I begin shooting around 12 or 1 in the afternoon, and if I’ve left my house an hour or two prior to that, I most likely didn’t eat lunch. In order to stay on my game, I have to have SOMETHING in my stomach. Avoid the hangries at all costs.


3) Footwear matters! Rule of thumb that’s absolutely essential in finding proper wedding day footwear: if it’s even slightly uncomfortable in the store, it’s going to be downright painful by the time the ceremony rolls around. I’ve plunked down a lot of money over the years on footwear and the best thing I can tell you is DO NOT SKIMP on cheap shoes- you’ll end up replacing them multiple times over the course of wedding season!

3b) Change shoes after the reception gets started. I typically start in a low wedge and will wear those through the ceremony + family formals, but as soon as the bride & groom have made their entrance into the reception, I switch to flats. Last year, that was a pair of neutral gray TOMS, this year it’s a pair of nude suede flats from DSW. Whatever your fancy, this will absolutely save your feet from that end-of-wedding throb!

4) Pop some Ibuprofen when you get to the reception. My lower back tends to start hurting after a full day on my feet, often with my 5-10 lb camera bag on my shoulder. I usually take two Advil with dinner to allow me to enjoy shooting the rest of the reception without back pain.


5) Put your bag down while you’re shooting, if possible. That’s what kills my back, carrying 10lbs of equipment in a bag slung across one shoulder- the uneven distribution of weight through a 9-hour day? No thank you. I try to put my bag down during pretty much any opportunity, and if I can’t put it down, I take out anything I don’t immediately need to save myself the pain later on in the day.

6) If you’re starting to feel sleepy, grab some coffee after the cake is cut and served! It’s just a little pick-me-up for that last hour or two of dancing and can put some pep back in your step :).

I’d love to hear your tricks to avoiding feeling like you were hit by a Mack truck the day after a wedding! Care to share?

Avoiding the dreaded “Wedding Hangover”

June 4, 2014

  1. Katie says:

    Thank you, Abby!! These are such great tips! I”m just beginning my career in wedding photography (second shooting for the first time this Saturday! EEK!) and I can use all the advice I can get. 🙂

  2. Kat says:

    LOVE these tips, Abby!!! Thanks girl!!

  3. Shalese says:

    Love this!! I’ve recently started switching shoes at the reception, too . . . even if you’re going from flats to different flats, it helps! I’ve also bought little footies (the kind you can’t see even with flats on) with padding in the heel and balls of your feet. It’s simple, but they seem to help a LOT! 🙂

  4. Jean says:

    Great advice, especially the shoes and keeping hydrated!

  5. All of these tips are great!
    I’ve started stashing a Pepsi in the caterer’s fridge or a cooler in my car so I can have something to pick me up as soon as the wedding ends. And I agree that the change of shoes works wonders.

  6. Amanda says:

    Such a good post! It took me a couple years to learn these and now I have found they help immensely!

  7. Maria Grace says:

    Love these tips, thank you! One thing that works for me is to get some Naked juice (or a similar brand) that will hydrate me and give me the best nutrients to get through the day. Doesn’t hurt that it tastes delicious 🙂

  8. Sarah Street says:

    Great tips! I have found that putting my bag down, especially during the reception is KEY! I don’t have near the back pain or foot ache at the end of the night as I use to and have more energy near the end of the night.

  9. Thanks for posting this! It seems so simple, but I’m really going to be more intentional on hydrating and eating. I would highly suggest Dr. Scholl’s inserts for your shoes, my feet and legs don’t even hurt the next day.

  10. Urška Majer says:

    These are some great tips 🙂 We actually started using ear plugs at the end of the last season and i have to say that starting this year’s season last saturday that we feel less tired the next day because of them, since you don’t have to listen to loud music for the whole reception 🙂

  11. Great tips! Additionally— start a good workout routine during off-season, and keep it up during wedding season. Make sure it includes upper body and core strengthening exercises! Being in shape makes a WORLD of difference!

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