Hey friends! I’m in New Haven, CT right now at a workshop with Justin & Mary, so we’ll keep things light today. I figured it was time for another installment of “Obscure tidbits of my life,” yes? Yes!

  • I went through a phase in second grade where I HATED picking out my clothes and getting dressed in the morning before school, so I did the logical thing: I dressed the night before, wore my clothes to bed, and popped up the next morning ready to go. Try not to be jealous that you didn’t think of this method first.
  • My first car was an ’87 Honda Accord, and it’s transmission was so shot that if you let the RPMs drop to anything under 15k, the engine would cut out. Imagine with me, if you would, being a brand new driver and discovering that if you took turns at anything less than 30 mph, your car would turn off.
  • When I was 5, my parents took us to a drive-in movie theater. Their plan was for us to watch the Brady Bunch movie as a family, and then for us kids to fall asleep so they could watch Forrest Gump. FAIL. I had nightmares for months.
  • My first job was hostessing at Big Bowl in Reston Town Center when I was 16, and it’s STILL my favorite place to eat in the world! If you ever go, try the vegetable dumplings!
  • I think Q-Tips have the potential to save the world- seriously,you can use those puppies for ANYTHING!
  • The expression “keep your eyes peeled” turns my stomach.
  • I drive stick shift! I have since I was 17. Yes, it’s annoying in traffic, but hot dang is it fun around town in the summer!
  • I refuse to go see popular movie in theaters on the first weekend because I don’t want to contribute to anyone else breaking Harry Potter 7’s record.
  • We’ve had Netflix for six months now and I STILL don’t know how to turn it on!
  • Remember Ja-Rule? His voice creeped me out so much that I’d change the station every time his songs would come on.

Happy Wednesday!

Aaand another 10 things you probably didn’t know about me

June 13, 2012

  1. Ohmygosh! That image is SO cute! Also, how is Forrest Gump scary enough to cause nightmares? Maybe I don’t remember what it’s like to be 5 and watch that or something.

  2. Erin Schrad says:

    Curious… nightmares because of the Brady Bunch, or Forrest Gump??

    I replaced my 10-year-old 5 speed about 18 months ago… as much as I love my new car, I still miss the fun of driving a manual! I’m still proud to be someone who can drive one (we’re becoming a rare breed!)

    Seriously about the Netflix thing?!?! Come on, girl!

    Have a blast at WTAW!

  3. Charlotte says:

    Hahaha, Abby, you’re funny….love reading your posts. And this image is too cute!

  4. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    Hahaha I love it! That clothing thing is hilarious! I love how half of your things are about driving or movies… or food 🙂 Have so much fun today!!!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    that picture is soooo adorable!!!!!!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    I am slowly…. slowly… SLOWLY learning to drive stick shift! It’s been a thorn in my flesh since LAST summer! Grrr. Something finally CLICKED for me about a month ago, and I graduated from stopping-starting in parking lots to actually driving on the road, but I haven’t driven by myself yet! Andrew talked about leaving me with the stick shift this morning, and it freaked me out! I was terrified that I would go outside this morning and see it there, and then HAVE to drive it! Whew, my heart rate started going up there. Anyways… hopefully soon I will have as much fun with it as you do!
    The drive in movie one cracked me up, too… not because you had nightmares, though!

  7. robyn says:

    Maybe it’s best that you can’t open Netflix–I’ve been sucked into so many tv series since we got it!

  8. Christine says:

    I love random fact days! These are fantastic!! Yay for another female stick driver – we rock 🙂

  9. Jean Hensley says:

    Ha ha! I learn new things about my granddaughter all the time. Too funny about the clothes, but I can see in my minds eye, you doing that!! Love you!

  10. lol about helping HP7’s record [though it was beaten already 🙁 ] Ja-rule creeped you out?! But he was so wise. I mean, every thug does need a lady Abby.

  11. Kim Usowski says:

    No! This will not hold me until next week 🙂 🙂 I will always look at this picture and think about how we were talking about Pocahontas hahah!!! Ooo those colors came out super nice though. Love it!

  12. Suzanne says:

    LOVE the images of Kim and her man! Keep ’em coming! Angela and I loved working with her for her hair and makeup.

    And that bit about your car? OMG… tooo funny! My first car could only make it halfway to school in the hot months. So I had to pull over and wait for my boyfriend to drive by and pick me up most days, lol.

  13. Matt Springmann says:

    Q-tips can’t be used to clean ears out, and also Harry Potter 7’s record has already been broken by the Avengers, and I won’t be surprised if it’s surpassed by the Dark Knight Rises too. I love you (even though I have walked you through how to turn on Netflix multiple times and you still refuse to do it!)

  14. Karen Field says:

    I love that Matt had the last word on that! I learned things about you that I never knew about. Why did Forest Gump give you nightmares? Mom

  15. Anna says:

    I drive Stick Shift too! I learned to drive in an Auto but I was dead set on learning stick! So, when I got my first car I got it as a MT and had hubby teach me. It really doesn’t bug me in traffic and I love it more than Auto 😀

  16. Andi Campbell says:

    Beautiful pics. How and when do we get to see the rehearsal dinner, family shots and other candid shots from the wedding and reception?

  17. Cindy Cook says:

    Thanks for posting these beautiful pictures of Daniel and Katie. My heart was there for them the day of their wedding even though I could not be. The pictures were spectacular and filled my heart with joy to see this special day. I wish you both love and blessings for all your lives together. We love you so much!!!

  18. Mia Bjerring says:

    Love the photo! And it’s fun to get to know a little more about you!(ps. I always say keep your eyes peeled because I thought that’s what the cool kids did, haha)

  19. Mindy Cochran says:

    These pictures are fabulous, like something you would see in a magazine. They truly capture the essence of this special day.

  20. molly says:

    oh my gosh i love these! and i REALLY think we may have been friends in high school and didn’t know it. i went to BIG BOWL a lllllll the time! i had so many friends that worked there!

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