Have you ever had a vision for something, this amazing elaborate “perfect world” kind of vision, and then whatever it was you were envisioning turns out completely differently? And yet, it still somehow manages to be BETTER than the version you originally cooked up in your imagination? That’s kind of what happened with my first workshop. Let me explain.

I had this grand idea that my first workshop would  sell out- I’d watched other photographers book seats like they were going out of style, announcing a workshop at 10 am and being completely sold out by that evening. Call it big headedness, pride, overestimating my own abilities/popularity (ouch), but I convinced myself the same would happen for me (it’s ok if you roll your eyes at this point). Come launch day when I announced the workshop and seats went on sale at 11 am, I spent all day trolling my inbox for new registrations. But as of 5 pm? I’d sold one seat. One.  And that was enough to take my ego and my sense of self-worth and shred it to pieces. I started asking myself how on earth I was going to hide this kind of humiliating failure from other people? Other photographers couldn’t know about this- then they’d know what a colossal joke I was.

In the end, a few more seats filled- four, to be exact, and I gave away an additional seat to spread a bit of love as well as hopefully generate a bit more interest. The “spreading the love” part worked- the winner (Kelsey!) was so excited to have won and came all the way from New Hampshire! But the “generating more interest” part once again failed. And once I again, I felt like I was a failure. Who was I to try to teach these ladies about anything if I couldn’t even sell out a workshop?

I had completely missed the point. Rather than being overjoyed that there were five people who I would have the opportunity to share with, I concentrated on how disappointed I was that I couldn’t tout my workshop as “sold out.” Did I really care about having ten workshop attendees? No. I wanted the PICTURE of success- of telling people in a falsely humble manner that I, Abby Grace, was sought after. Please feel free to laugh right now, I’m laughing as I write this.

Education isn’t about idolizing or puffing up the educator- that’s called celebrity. Education is about leaving those you’re sharing with better off than you found them; more knowledgable, more inspired, better equipped to do what it is they want to do.

What I didn’t foresee was the reason behind the registrations ceasing to roll in. God saw my prideful, self-congratulatory heart, and he saw my falsely humble prayers for “humility” (you know, those prayers that go something like “Lord, please humble me… but in a way I’m comfortable with that doesn’t hurt at all”?). And it turned into an opportunity to show me that a) my priorities were WAY off, and b) my worth should NOT be dependent on something as fleeting as the number of workshop seats I sell. If that’s all I base my value on as a person, my highs are going to be limited and my lows will be incredibly debilitating.

As it was, five turned out to be the PERFECT number, even though I couldn’t have foreseen that prior to last Friday. I was incredibly nervous about the workshop, and with five attendees there was more of a sense of intimacy, of being among friends. And when you’re among friends there’s a lot more forgiveness when you lose your spot on the slide show, or when your Mac decides to stop working. Less pressure for a teaching opportunity I was totally new to was welcome! And these particular five ladies, Megan, Matoli, Kelsey, Tiffany and Brandilynn, were the perfect attendees- eager to learn, questions prepared, excited to be among other photographers. I couldn’t have asked for a better first workshop, or a better group of women to share with.

Once Matt & I bade good-bye to the last guests that night, I felt this rush of accomplishment: I survived! It went over WELL! And for all that worrying, all of that anxiety over numbers, it was the perfect day. With the encouraging feedback from the ladies from last week, I’m already looking forward to hopefully hosting another. But this time, I know that if I were to only book two seats? That it will still be absolutely perfect.

A huge, HUGE thank you to the sponsors for A Date With Abby Grace: ShowIt and PASS, Album Exposure, Rachel Brenke, Floral & Bloom Designs, and M&S Grill. < Matt & I are still enjoying leftovers- SO GOOD.

*Pardon the lack of images in this post- the only photos I took on Friday were of the gorgeous floral-y goodness on the coffee table. Whoops.

A Date With Abby Grace- recap

August 28, 2013

  1. Tiffany says:

    I remember at one point during your presentation you said something like “it’s so nice that you guys think I’m stable and have my act together” and we all laughed because YOU feeling self-conscious was just crazy to us. You are humble and that’s a great thing.

    You did a fantastic job and personally, I was thrilled with the number because I felt like I could ask more questions and participate more in a smaller setting. It felt like you were really talking to US and where our business were respectively, not just any old group of photographers. Plus, we hardly had to fight over comfy chairs at all 😉

    You just made me think of the one thing the workshop lacked… we didn’t take a group photo! That is my only suggestion for your future workshops!

  2. Deborah Zoe says:

    You’re honesty is SO incredibly refreshing Abby!! It’s a breath of fresh air in a world of internet talk that is mostly filled with false humility… I completely appreciate what you shared today!!! I think you’re FAB and your work is amazingly beautiful! I can’t wait to see where life continues to take you and your business!!!

  3. Abby everything was amazing, you are such an amazing person as well as a photographer and teacher! I am so glad I was able to attend the 1st Abby Grace Workshop and I plan on sharing my experience with many other photographers, you did everything so well and are such a down to earth person who is also a woman of God! I cannot wait for some future workshops that you will host, and even attending some with you! Thank you for all you taught us and for opening up and being real with us! And I second what Tiffany said about a workshop group picture 🙂

  4. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    I am SO proud of you, Abby! It’s amazing how the Lord answers our prayers for something in a way that is usually quite different than we expect. I’m thankful that you were willing to share this because you are probably encouraging someone else who has gone through something similar 🙂

  5. Mary Neumann says:

    Abby!! Your humility gets me every time!! You aimed at taking an amazing step forward for you and your business and YOU DID IT!! So excited for you!! I so wanted to be there but had a wedding here the day after and couldn’t swing everything logistically! You were in my thoughts and prayers and I cannot wait to (hopefully!) learn from you at your next workshop soon!! 🙂 Congrats again!!!

  6. You’re awesome Abby. In an industry with photogs pridefully bragging about every little thing, I LOVE your honesty and humbleness! I’ve been through similar circumstances and I know how it is to struggle with finding your worth in God’s truth when there’s so much competitiveness and you do naturally find worth in what we view (or others view) as success, since this is the area of talent He has given us. God has blessed your business in so many ways and you definitely have lots to offer others in your teaching! I’m glad to hear it went so well! Hope we can do another hangout / Q&A sometime soon!

  7. Katie Smith says:

    Abby, your honesty sets you apart from the crowd. I wish I was that honest with myself!! You know photographers are always hardest on themselves but I have no doubt your workshop was an incredible experience for those girls. Thats awesome! And also awesome those beautiful arrangements 🙂

  8. Jean says:

    Every new experience teaches us something positive. Glad you had a great workshop and I’m sure the next one will be even better for you and your lucky recipients.

  9. Minh H. says:


    at no time did I laugh at you while reading this extremely honest blog. I found that liberating that you dared to be so brutally honest, and I admire your humility.
    It is so difficult not to get caught up in the popularity contest (just recently, I had a potential client turning me down, because I only had 100 some likes on my facebook page).

    Thanks for being so real 🙂

  10. I am going to be honest with you – this might be my favorite post of yours ever. The humility, openness, honesty, and maturity you have shown with this post and experience is what will continue to move your business (both as a photographer and educator) forward. Your ability to laugh at yourself when necessary, and ability to see situations not for what they are lacking, but for what they are giving and teaching you, will take you so much further than sold out workshops ever will. 🙂

  11. Alicia says:

    I love this post! Thank you for being so honest and humble. It’s easy to look at all the “celebrity” photographers and only see how successful and popular they are. So few are actually real and show themselves in the raw. So thank you! I would have loved to come to your workshop. Hopefully I can make one in the future!

  12. Annamarie says:

    ahhh this is awesome abby! So glad the Lord worked it out better than you could’ve dreamed..isn’t it cool how He does that? This is super encouraging! Thanks so much for sharing it! And those flowers are blowing my mind…Dahlias are my favorite!!

  13. […] one I’m traveling there with my girl Megan Chase, and then it will be a mini reunion from the Abby Grace Workshop we did back in August(When she host another one I suggest you go to it) & Mrs. Kelsey Dewitt […]

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