
I think it may be due, in part, to the gloomy clouds bedecking the sky this morning, but I most definitely woke up with the post-holiday blues this morning. Christmas is my favorite time of year- all of my favorite people gathered together, yearly traditions and yummy treats, good times had by all. I think […]

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Monday Mash-Up

December 30, 2013

New York City anniversary session - Abby Grace Photography


IT’S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!! I’m photographing one last session tthis afternoon and then I’m taking off for the next few days. It’s gonna be awesome :). Sometimes I forget that I’m allowed to take vacation days even when I’m not on vacation, and since my wedding season is officially over, I’m going to spend time enjoying […]

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Monday Mash-Up

December 23, 2013

Destination Caribbean wedding in Vieques, Puerto Rico


I’ll bet you guys were bummed after reaching the end of Jeff & Tracy’s wedding post yesterday, weren’t you? Fear not- it’s time to feature their day-after session! You’re welcome. Whenever traveling somewhere exotic and/or tropical for a wedding, I try to make sure to schedule in extra time for an additional portrait session, whether […]

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Jeff & Tracy- Day After destination portrait session in Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico

December 20, 2013

Caribbean destination wedding in Vieques, Puerto Rico- Abby Grace Photography


This day was nine years in the making. A love story that began with a chance meeting, this day in one of the most beautiful places on earth was when everything finally came full circle. After nearly a decade together, Jeff & Tracy stood in front of their closest friends and family and promised each […]

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Jeff & Tracy- a Caribbean destination wedding in Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico

December 19, 2013

Grab the 9 Brand Photo Archetypes shot list download, so that you never run out of ideas on set and can approach every session with a strategic PLAN.

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