It was May of 2011- I pulled up to the location where I’d be meeting my bride, proud that I was 45 minutes early. “Killin’ it, Abby. You are killin’ it,” I  probably said to myself. I opened the back left door on my blue Mazda3 hatchback, thinking I’d grab my purse and get a cup of coffee to while away the time before I went into start shooting, when realization hit me with a jolt:

I’d left my one and only portrait lens at home.

It was only my third wedding on my own, and one of the TWO lenses that I owned at the time was still sitting in my living room… an hour away.

I’ll spare you the ensuing legitimate panic attack that followed, along with the getting-stopped-by-police-because-I-was-going-77-in-a-55 story. Long story short, I managed to get a hold of my lens, and the rest of the day fell into place. But I will NEVER forget that horrible feeling!

Equipment checklist for wedding photographers | Abby Grace

The exact date I began using an equipment checklist is escaping me, but it wasn’t long after that moment that I realized I needed some kind of visual list to ensure I never forgot another piece of equipment for a wedding!

These days, we have two checklists: one for engagement sessions, one for weddings. Why two? Because I shoot with a lot less equipment at an engagement session and only need my portrait lenses with me, and I want to be able to COMPLETELY check off a list when I’m getting ready to leave!

Equipment checklist for wedding photographers | Abby Grace

To make things even easier, we have each list printed out and laminated using THESE 3M self-sealing lamination pouches. This means we don’t have to print out a new sheet for every session and wedding- instead, Matt keeps each one on a clipboard with a dry erase marker so that we can reuse them as many times as we need.

Matt checks the equipment off as he adds each piece throughout the day before a wedding or session, and then we take the sheet out with us to the car to do one last once-over! This way, we can leave for every wedding and engagement session knowing that every piece of equipment I need has most definitely made it into the car with me!

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Just a fun heads up that one or more of the links above are affiliate links that help make it possible for us to offer my Photog Friday posts each week! You guys know I only share products and companies that I believe in and trust, so know that I’ll always send you to sources I count on as reliable! And thank you to Kaitlyn Phipps for the first photo in this post :).

Photog Friday: the checklist!

September 30, 2016

  1. Jean says:

    Great photo of Matt! Great to see you super organized. I need to take some lessons from you!

  2. Karen aka Mom says:

    Great sharing about your procedure. I remember your Dad getting your panicked call about that lens and jumping into the car to make that happen since Matt was elsewhere. Easy to look back on with the benefit of the passage of time.

  3. Rici says:

    Oh I know, the check lists. Thank you for sharing this Abby!! I think I might have the same camera trolly :*

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