Well… this is both an embarrassing post to write, AND a teachable moment for my brides :). I’m NOT proud of the fact that it took me almost seven years to order our wedding album. There were a few mitigating factors contributing to the delay, but at most, those factors can account for the first 12 months of delay. The next six years were totally on me.
And the reason this is a teachable moment? Because I literally have EVERY resource imaginable available to me when it comes to getting an album ordered. I have a bookbinder, I have an album designer, I have a proofing system, I have it all. And it STILL took me almost seven years to order! Why?
Because we were busy.
Because there was no urgency (like the pressure of an album credit expiring).
Because there were times we didn’t necessarily WANT to drop several hundred dollars on an album.
Because because because.
So. many. excuses. We can always find a reason to make more excuses, and before you know it, you’re 10 years down the road, a few kids in, and for all you know? Your wedding photographer may have closed shop! Or worse, maybe you’ve lost track of your digital files, and now you CAN’T order an album! (Gosh, that gives me the willies just thinking about it!)
So BRIDES, what I’m saying is this: add your wedding album to the package when you book your photographer! Because, trust me- there is a 98% likelihood that you won’t do it later. Like I said- I had every resource available to me, and it still took me almost seven years to order. How much longer will it take you?
Truthfully, I ordered this book for us, but I also ordered it for the children we hope will one day fill our home. And for their children. A book to peruse when Matt & I are old and grey, where grandbabies can point and say “Granny! You used to be skinny!” (or whatever charming things I’m sure they’ll come up with). This book is (chronologically) our first family heirloom, and I am so glad we finally got our photographs off the computer and into a treasured book in our living room!
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