Oh man, I wish you guys could hear some of our conversations at home. See, I’m still learning to trust Matt as a partner in business as well as life, so sometimes when he throws out a suggestion for something to do with AGP, it takes me a little while to warm up to the idea. There was a length of time where Matt really didn’t understand, because I was still in the building stages and was still trying to figure out how to be a photographer in general. Since Matt’s not a photographer at all (and he’ll admit that, too!), he didn’t have much advice to give, so I was on my own in that aspect. But the longer we work together, the more I realize just how dang SMART the guy is!

Why do I bring that up? Because the mini e-book today’s blog post is about? It was MATT’S idea in the first place! We were trying to come up with new ideas for free education, and he was the one to bring up the idea of basic posing principles, since that’s been one of the more popular topics on the blog and in workshops in the past. So I shot Nicole Anderson Paper Co. an email to see if she’s be up for another round of design and….

Voila! A brand new mini e-book with five basic rules for posing couples!


Inside you’ll find some of my core poses, tips for building confidence in your couple and more! If you’re at all struggling with mastering the basics of posing a couple (either at a wedding or during a portrait session!), we want to get this mini ebook into your hands!

Make sure to get your copy HERE!

Photog Friday: free mini e-book on posing !

May 6, 2016

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