This is THE post I’ve been waiting two years to write. I’ve been crafting it in my head for the past few months, editing and re-editing, turning it over again and again, but promising never to write it down until the hard-and-fast decision was made. Until I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was time; knowing that the delayed gratification would be worth it.

Well, it’s time.

A lot of you don’t know that I’ve actually spent the last two years parked behind a desk, working the communication/PR side for a Fortune500 defense contractor. It’s not something I’ve widely broadcasted because frankly, I didn’t want anyone to get the impression that I was anything less than 100% committed to being a grade A, top-of-the-line wedding photographer.

But I’ll be honest- it’s been an exhausting two years. Working 40 hours a week in an office plus 30-40 additional hours growing my small business hasn’t been easy, and wedding season last year nearly resulted in a nervous break down. Who am I kidding? There was no “nearly” about it. I definitely snapped at one point. I was frustrated, tired, overworked and burned out, and I missed spending time with my husband. I felt like I’d worked away my first year of marriage and I was beyond exasperated. Friends who know my position have asked “how do yo do it?” and honestly, I don’t know. By the grace of God, definitely.

So Matt and I began to talk and pray about what 2012 would look like. We set a goal for a certain number of weddings and left it in God’s hands. If things were going to change, it needed to be because that was GOD’S plan, not mine. Giving up that decision is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but if I refused to give Him control of this decision, how could I expect Him to bless any further ventures?

Hey friends? We did it :). And as of June 1st, 2012 I will be a full-time wedding photographer!!! AHHHH! I’m still in complete shock at how faithful God’s been- how He knows that wedding photography, loving people and showing them how beautiful they are, is the song in my heart. It’s the thing that gets my blood pumping, my pulse racing, my mind whirring, the thing that keeps me up at night. The prospect of getting to do this as my full-time and only career is a literal dream come true, and I’m nothing short of awe-stricken at how absolutely blessed I am.

Are we scared? Absolutely. Making the choice to leave a comfortable, secure job with great benefits to be self-employed with no promise of a paycheck 6 months from now isn’t something the world necessarily deems a “smart” choice, but I’m making the choice to no longer adhere to what “they” say, as cheesy as that may sound. But I know this is where I’m supposed to be, as sure as I know my name is Abigail Grace. And despite the fact that people on the outside may not understand, I’m excited for this new chapter in our lives.

I know that this is going to be hard- I know there will be days spent banging my head against a wall while I try to figure out how the IRS manages to take so much of my money. I know there will be nights where I’ll be so scared that I’ll wonder if we made the right choice. But all of this comes back around to one question- did God call me to this career? Yes? Then everything else is just a detail. Big details, yes, but details nonetheless.

God never promises that we’ll be comfortable, that I’ll always have everything I want. But he DOES promise to take care of us, to provide for our needs. I have a feeling these next couple of years will teach us a lot about “needs vs. wants,” but I’m ok with that.

So begins this long-awaited, new chapter in the lives of the Springmanns, and as long as I know I’m walking on the path I’m supposed to be on with my amazing husband holding my hand, things are going to be just fine.

Frederick Maryland engagement

^A preview from last night’s e-session 🙂

I would be remiss if I didn’t also throw out a huge “THANK YOU!!” to every single one of my clients- without you all, I wouldn’t be writing this blog post at all. Thank you for placing your trust in me, for allowing me to document your precious memories, for the chance to have a glimpse into your lives as they are right now. I truly love each and every one of you.

The happiest of Tuesdays to you all!

This is it.

May 1, 2012

  1. Hannah says:

    YAYYY!!! This have been your heart’s desire for so long!!! I am STOKED that you’re finally able to take that step. Congrats Abby 🙂

  2. Erin Schrad says:

    Congratulations! I’ll be praying that God continues to bless you in your endeavors so that you can keep doing what you love to do. As for me… for now I can’t seem to tear myself away from taking care of… er… working for (yeah, that’s it!) all these police chiefs. They’re good people, and I’ve spent about half my life around them now so they’re family! Fortunately this is a flexible job that allows me to pursue other passions as time allows. (Besides, they know they’re getting about three employees worth out of me!)

    It’ll be a fight and struggle, I’m sure… but all good things take work. But at least you know everything you’ll be doing is because you want to be doing it, not because someone else is telling you what to do!

  3. Michelle says:

    Congrats on the huge step! I hope to be right there with you in a few years 🙂

  4. So excited for you Abby! 🙂 I can’t wait to write a similar blog post like this in two weeks after graduation… going full time is terrifying, but I know in my heart it’s what I’ve always wanted to do!

  5. I’m SO excited for you and your upcoming ventures on your own. I know we’ve talked about this so much, but it will honestly be the best move you ever make. You’ll wonder why you didn’t do it long ago! Congratulations, my friend, I’m so excited to be able to watch you grow bigger and bigger with your success 🙂

  6. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    YAY!!! I am SO excited for you! And that sneak is gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the rest of their shoot!

  7. Melissa says:

    So…So happy for you Abby! What an amazing accomplishment! My story is so similar with the daily grind of a day job, trying to build a business, raise a family etc. I feel for you in the exhaustion category. Hopefully God will hear my prayers and I will be able to take a leap of faith sometime next year and pursue this dream full-time. 🙂 My best to you and good luck.

  8. Alison Mish says:

    Congratulations! That is so exciting and I am sure God will continue to bless you and your amazing business!! I too hope to make this jump someday soon 🙂

  9. Kathy says:

    SO happy for you!! You’re so talented and you’ve made the right choice!! 🙂 Things will only go up from here!!

  10. Congrats Abby! You will love being a full time photographer! Although yes it’s hard at times not knowing if one month will be as good as the last, but its so rewarding to do what you love!

  11. Abby Congrats!!! You will be amazed at how much more your business can grow when you are able to devote all your time to just it. I left my IT job almost 2 years ago and it was the best decision. I left it in God’s hands too and even when I think I’m going to have to go back to IT he comes through and provides as you said. I’m so excited to see what you can do with your business with more time, you’ve done amazing things so far with the little time you’ve had to devote to it! Number one tip from me is treat as close to a normal 9-5 job as possible meaning no more editing in the evening when you should be spending time with your husband. Now you have to learn to put the business away at the end of the day and relax!!

  12. Emilia Jane says:


  13. Spring says:

    So proud of you!!!!!! Xoxo

  14. Charlotte T says:

    Congrats, Abby! Things are going to be AWESOME for you! I can’t wait to see how your business grows now that you don’t have to split your time with a job. And, LOVE the shot of Anna and her fiance.

  15. Beth Hamilton says:

    Congrats Abby! You are a fabulous photographer and I am so happy for you and that you will be able enjoy what you love all the more now that you can focus on it. God is good!

  16. SO excited for you!!!! This. IS. it!!!! You’re going to rock it! =)

  17. Elizabeth says:

    Abby Abby Abby I am sooooe excited for you!! 😀

  18. Megan Roldan says:

    YAY!!! I had a feeling this may be coming soon and I am so happy for you! I can only imagine how exhausting and challenging the last year had been for you, but now you have so many exciting things ahead to look forward to and so many people behind you cheering for you to succeed! congratulations 🙂

  19. So exciting!!! Will be praying for His incredible providence and wisdom to be bestowed upon you as you carry out the obvious will that is His alone. You will find that the life of a working artist, while trying like no other, will also be more fulfilling and BEAUTIFUL (as well) since the very thing you are doing actively creates and injects that beauty reciprocally back into itself. Praise God for the things He is doing and the way you have are submitting to it!

  20. Alli Cain says:

    Congratulations! I’m so happy that you found what you love and made your dream a reality!

  21. yayy!!!!! CONGRATS GIRL!!!!!!!!

  22. Lisa Reagle says:

    SO AWESOME! I am so happy for you, Abby! If I have the opportunity to send referrals your way I will be sure to do so. This is certainly the beginning of something AMAZING! Your hard work has paid off. Congrats!!!

  23. Lorinda says:

    Congratulations. As someone starting up a wedding planning business, I can truly imagine your excitement. 🙂 I can’t wait to be able to say that my company is the only company I work for. Good luck in everything!

  24. CONGRATS Abby!!! I’m sitting here – on my first day of full time photography life and I PROMISE… you will not regret this. It’s the most liberating experience I can imagine. We should get together soon to celebrate!!!

  25. Sabrina says:

    Congratulations! I always get so excited for a photographer when I hear they’re going full time (doesn’t matter if I know them in person or not!) 🙂 It gives me hope and a little extra strength to keep plugging away. We’re praying too about when God will say it’s time for me to go full time… thanks for the encouragement this morning and congrats again!!!

  26. Congratulations Abby! This is such amazing news and I am SO happy for you!!! Being full time will take you and your business SO far and you are bound to do amazing things 🙂 Great work <3

  27. molly says:

    woooooohoooooooooo!!!!!!!! congratulations, Abby! God is SO good and you’re going to continue to shine His light through your work! YAY!

  28. Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you! You have worked so hard and you truly deserve this!!! So exciting!!!!

  29. Kari Jeanne says:

    Congrats!!!!! So happy & excited for you 🙂

  30. Sarah says:

    Congratulations, Abby! Your business continues to be an inspiration to me…as I am in a similar situation. (Working 40 hours a week at a job I’m not in love with, but also working a ton with my small business I AM in love with). After reading your blog for the past few months- I had no idea you were not a full time wedding photographer- because your images and business reflect a girl completely devoted to her business. God’s love and provision is amazing- I’ll be praying for you as you head into this new and VERY exciting stage of life!

  31. YAYAYAYAY!!!! Been waiting a long time to hear this news from you and I am SO EXCITED for you!!! xoxoxo

  32. Congrats Abby! God has a plan for you and I am sure you will execute to the fullest! I wish you the best of luck!

  33. Thats awesome! Congratulations.

  34. Christine says:

    This is fantastic!! You are going to continue doing great things. God truly has blessed you!

  35. Sarah says:

    Congrats lady!! I’m so proud of you. You’re my best friend in the whole world and I’ll always be behind you. <3

  36. Kaitlyn says:

    congratulations!!! Wishing you a wonderful wedding season!! 🙂

  37. So many comments and I am late at congratulating you!!! Well congrats on this new adventure, I know you’ll do aweseome!!!!!

  38. Sarah says:

    HOLLA!!!!! Congrats girl!

  39. Julie Flury says:

    woooo hooo!!!AH, What a huge and happy step! I just left my part time job of 3 years this past April 1st and It was a big leap but such an awesome one! You will love it girl! SO HAPPY FOR YOU! YAYAYA!

  40. Becca says:

    SO excited for you, girl!!!!!! I know the Lord will continue to be faithful to you in this next phase of life he’s led you into!

  41. Mia Bjerring says:

    This is amazing Abby! I’m so happy for you! This will be a new and exciting adventure for you!

  42. Justin Cassavaugh says:

    Congratulations Mrs. Springmann!!

  43. jamie says:

    So excited for you to be full time! It will be a great way to see God’s faithfulness to you and Matt! He will take care of you!

  44. Sydni Jackson says:


  45. Michelle says:

    Congratulations! How very exciting!

  46. Jean Hensley says:

    Congratulations, Abby. My prayers will be with you and Matt. You are following your passion and not everyone gets to do that. Love you!

  47. Michelle says:

    It’s so exciting to get to actually do what you were born to do! I know God will continue to bless you on this path! Congrats!

  48. Sara Sultan says:

    What a brave decision and a great one at that! So very happy for you Abby!

  49. Anastasia says:

    Congrats Abby, what great news! You’ve done it! You have nothing but greatness ahead of you as you have followed your gift. It is so hard to start a business while working full time (and I am doing exactly the same hoping to move to at least part time in the next year), but you have managed to do it with such grace and devotion and success. So happy for you girl. x

  50. Love this post! It almost made me cry and it makes me so happy for you! You deserve it and look at all of the support you’re getting – look at all of those comments! You nailed it when you talked about the naysayers. I spent enough of my life letting them hold me back. Congratulations and best of luck!

  51. Susan Paden says:

    Congratulations!!!!! I wish nothing but the best from this point forward.
    Leaps of faith are so hard to do, however when we realize it’s what we
    should have been doing all along, it’s that much more worth the leap!
    Good luck to you!!!

  52. Abbey says:

    Congratulations on the new chapter Abby!!

  53. Annetta says:

    Way to go Abby!! Success with your new endeavours.

  54. Sarah Gilbert says:

    So proud of you Abby! God is doing some great things, huh?!?! Can’t wait to see where He takes you next 🙂

  55. Stephen says:

    Its about damn time!

  56. Karen Field says:

    And her proud Mama gets to say that she’s so proud of her girl! I can’t imagine having the nerve to walk away from a secure job and trust in a new one that has no guarantees unless you do it with confidence that your heavenly Father is walking you through it. Let’s give it up for Matt, too, because this was his decision as well as yours and he’s just as willing to trust God for both of your needs to be met!

  57. Adam Podraza says:


  58. So so SOOOO happy for you, Abby! It’s terrifying, but God led you to it, and He’ll ALWAYS provide 🙂 Please pray for me too…this relocation is freaking me out! haha

  59. […] Monday, how you never cease to come once every seven days! At least I can take joy in knowing that 28 days from now, I’ll be celebrating a whole different kind of […]

  60. I am so happy for you Abby! Yay!

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